Sep 21โ€‰โ€“โ€‰25, 2009
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Europe/Zurich timezone


Visualization e-services and tools for grid build by gLite

Sep 24, 2009, 10:30โ€ฏAM
Hotel Barcelo Sants

Hotel Barcelo Sants



Enchanted visualization e-services and tools developed within collaborative project BalticGrid-II and Lithuanian NGI will be presented in this demonstration.
Grid visualization e-Service VizLitG developed in Lithuanian NGI is designed for convenient access and interactive visualization of remote data files located in grid. VizLitG build by Java and GlassFish includes automatic HDF5 data management and VTK visualization engine. Moreover, transfer of interactively selected parts of datasets located in experimental Storage Element has been implemented.
VisPartDEM is interactive visualization tool for particle systems simulated by the Discrete Element Method. VTK based tool is implemented in grid environment by using GVid software. It includes parallel rendering and extended functionality like visualization of propagating cracks.
The open-source ParaView software has been deployed in BalticGrid-II testbed for interactive distributed visualization of large datasets.

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