LiveWN was initially prototyped in year 2006 as a bootable CD with Scientific Linux, supporting diskless, easy-to-deploy grid Worker Nodes, requiring virtually zero administration upon deployment. Recent evolutions during year 2009 brought even more results:
* scalability and reliability tests over WAN deployment scenarios,
* integration with Shibboleth (ShibGrid) and,
* design prototype for a deployment on an infrastructure with a potential of 60000+ nodes.
LiveWN mixes key technologies including LiveCD (a self-booting Linux CD), gLite (the grid middleware stack), OpenVPN (virtual private network) and OpenAFS (open distributed filesystem). It includes a full desktop environment and some extra scientific software, including a set of tools in relation to the high energy physics project ATLAS, Wine, PovRay and other. LiveWN implements also a convenient UI (User Interface) from which all grid resources are available (EGEE and LCG VOs, combined with all Desktop Grid resources)