Sep 21โ€‰โ€“โ€‰25, 2009
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Europe/Zurich timezone


EDGeS: Extending resources of EGEE VOs with desktop grid resources

Sep 23, 2009, 4:30โ€ฏPM
Hotel Barcelo Sants

Hotel Barcelo Sants



EDGeS developed a bridging technology by which the resources of EGEE VOs can be extended with inexpensive desktop grid (DG) resources. This technology is now in production and applied for several applications developed by the EGEE community. The goal of this demo is to show
1. how a usual EGEE VO can extend its resource with DG resources that are coming either from a public DGs or private DGs.
2. how existing EGEE application can be ported and executed on such extended EGEE VO systems
3. those EGEE application that were already ported to the extended EGEE-EDGeS infrastructure: fusion, biomedical, e-market place, etc.
4. how the gLite CLI can be used to submit such applications into the extended EGEE-EDGeS infrastructure
5. how the P-GRADE portal can be used to transparently submit such applications into the extended EGEE-EDGeS infrastructure
6. how a new public DG system (specialized to support EGEE applications and called as EGEE@home) has been set up and used for EGEE users.

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