WRF for GRID (WRF4G) is a port of the WRF Modelling System to the GRID. Small modifications to the source code of the model allow the monitoring and output data management in a flexible way. In addition to the model, the WRF Grid Enabling Layer (WRFGEL) is an interface between the model and the GRID, allowing the model to inform about its status, get the required input data and save the output data to the GRID.
Limited area models (LAMs) require a large amount of input data to build the boundary conditions. The heterogenous GRID infrastructure is subject to common failures and intermittent availability of resources the numerical weather models are not prepared for. For those reasons, in this contribution we present a new execution framework providing a software wrapper for a numerical weather model. A wrapper for the WRF Model has been developed to enable LAM simulations on the GRID. This WRF for GRID wrapper (WRF4G) is "gridifying" a complex workflow application as the WRF System.