Sep 21โ€‰โ€“โ€‰25, 2009
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Europe/Zurich timezone


Science Gateways

Sep 23, 2009, 11:00โ€ฏAM
Hotel Barcelo Sants

Hotel Barcelo Sants



A Science Gateway is a community-developed set of tools, applications,
and data that is integrated via a portal or a suite of applications, usually in a graphical user interface, that is customized to meet the needs of the targeted community. Existing gateways employ at a greater and lesser extent some combination of the following relevant technologies and methodologies: Grid, e-collaboration, Service Oriented Architecture, Web services, and semantic and ontology Web, and offer a large variety of services. They are built by and for a specific community and are strategically of key importance. During this session in particular the gateway in TeraGrid will be detailed. The goal of this session is to understand how to install such Gateway in EGEE and benefit from the Teragrid experience in order to anticipate the SSC gateways in EGI.

Session Description (include details of proposed agenda, potential speakers and expected outcomes) 500 car.
Proposed Agenda:
Introduction of the Session with key questions 5min
Survey on existing gateways โ€“H. Schwichtenberg based on the survey made in DEGREE 15min
Portal Group Feeback and Examples of Public Web Interfaces in Bioinformatics - C. Blanchet - 15min
Virtual Observatory (A&A) 15mn
Nancy Wilkins-Diehr โ€“Gateways activity in Tera Grid 30min
Discussion 40min

Project(s) or EGEE activities organising the session (project or activity names only) 200 car.
Monique Petitdidier, Christophe Blanchet, Horst Schwichtenberg

Project(s) or EGEE activities involved in the session (or names of persons) 200 car.
EGEE/Clusters, SeeGrid, โ€ฆ.

Expected attendance(ca 20/40/60/80 or more) and any other special room requirements (a projector will be provided) 200 car.
We expect around 40

Session duration 1hr, 2hrs (session), 4hrs (half a day), 6hrs (full day)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Monique Petitdidier (LATMOS/IPSL)
9/23/09, 11:00โ€ฏAM
Horst Schwichtenberg (SCAI/FhG)
9/23/09, 11:10โ€ฏAM
Gergely Sipos (MTA SZTAKI)
9/23/09, 11:25โ€ฏAM
Christophe Blanchet (CNRS IBCP)
9/23/09, 11:40โ€ฏAM
Christophe Arviset (ESA-ESAC)
9/23/09, 11:55โ€ฏAM
Nancy Wilkins-Diehr
9/23/09, 12:10โ€ฏPM
9/23/09, 12:30โ€ฏPM
Building timetable...