Detection of High Flux Synchrotron Radiation Based on Diamond Detector for HEPS

10 Dec 2017, 21:13
Conference Center (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST))

Conference Center

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)

OIST, Onna, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan
POSTER New ideas and future applications POSTER


Dr ZHENJIE LI (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)


High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) with a beam energy of 6GeV and emittance less than 1.0nm·rad will be constructed in China, which can provide high-brilliance hard X-ray in the order of 1013. The broadband and high-flux monochromatic beam flux and white beam flux need new detector other than the ion chambers for measurement in case of saturation under high-flux conditions.
Diamond X-ray detector for the beam position monitoring and high flux X-ray detection is developing for High Energy Photon Source in China. The diamond detector is designed with multilayered structure to realize the function of beam position monitoring and X-ray intensity measuring. The first layer is the four-quadrant-like position-sensitive device and the other layers are fabricated to single pixel for X-ray intensity measuring. The diamond detector has advantages over other detector materials: a low atomic number resulting in a low absorption cross-section when used as beam position monitor and a high radiation and wide linear range when used as beam intensity measuring. The polycrystalline chemical-vapor-deposition diamond detectors with aluminium contact have been tested at 1W2B beamline at Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF).


Dr ZHENJIE LI (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS) Dr GUANGCAI CHANG (Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS) Mr BINGJIE WANG (Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS) Mrs QIUJU LI (Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS) Dr YANGFAN ZHOU (Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS) Prof. PENG LIU (Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS)

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