Linear mode reach through APD for X-ray imaging in 0.2μm SOI-CMOS technology

10 Dec 2017, 21:22
Conference Center (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST))

Conference Center

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)

OIST, Onna, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan


Ryutaro Hamasaki (SOKENDAI)


Prototype of an Avalanche Photodiodes with Reach-Through (RT-APD) was
fabricated using Silicon On Insulator (SOI) technology. It replaces a pixel sensor with
the silicon APD to detect soft X-ray which generate very small charge. These new
devices offer fast proportional response and good S/N based on linear mode operated at
below breakdown voltage. In this study, to investigate edge termination effect, the
RT-APD prototype was fabricated and the results of current-voltage characteristics with
different guard ring width and also photon sensitivity in order to evaluate multiplication
gain were measured. These RT-APD sensors are composed of N+/P-well/P-substrate.
The wafer type is floating zone with 200 μm thick and its resistivity is around 6k Ωcm.
Potential and electric field distribution was also analyzed with TCAD simulation.



Mr Akihiro Koyama (University of Tokyo) Prof. Kurachi Ikuo (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Toshinobu Miyoshi (KEK) Yasuo Arai (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))

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