Synchrotron radiation X-ray experiments for a pulse-counting type SOI pixel for the soft X-ray measurements

15 Dec 2017, 11:10
Conference Center (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST))

Conference Center

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)

OIST, Onna, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan
ORAL SOI detectors Session16


Dr Ryo Hashimoto (KEK)


Application of the Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) technology [1] to a pixelated detector is expected for the imaging experiments using synchrotron X-rays. The SOI pixel detector is advantageous to make a fine pixel with a low noise, because there is no mechanical bump bonding. Because of the soft X-ray experiments like the surface X-ray scattering (SXS) and diffraction (SXRD) is very important for the surface analysis, we have started to develop a pulse-counting type SOI pixel which is sensitive to X-rays (E > 1 keV). The first test-element-group, CPIXPTEG2, is used for the evaluation experiment using synchrotron X-rays. The CPIXPTEG2 is designed applying the double-SOI technology [2] and its total thickness is made 75 μm for reducing the dispersion of the charges collected inside the sensor. To reduce the thickness of dead layer, the non-melting laser annealing was employed to suppress dopant diffusion during activation.
In this conference, we will introduce the results of the performance tests.



Prof. Yasuo Arai (KEK) Prof. Noriyuki Igarashi (KEK) Prof. Reiji Kumai (KEK) Prof. Ikuo Kurachi (KEK) Dr Toshinobu Miyoshi (KEK) Mr Ryutaro Nishimura (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (KEK)) Prof. Shunji Kishimoto (KEK)

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