- Manabu Togawa (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
We are developing an silicon-on-insulator (SOI) pixel sensor SOFIST for the vertex detector system of the International Linear Collider experiment. The SOFIST has a pixel size of 20$\times$20 $\mu$m$^2$ with fine position resolution better than 3 $\mu$m, which is required as a pixel sensor for ILC vertex detector. The pixel circuit stores both the signal charge and timing information of the...
For tracking detectors at future linear colliders a high-precision position measurement is required. In order to limit multiple scattering, a detector with low material budget id advantageous. Monolithic structures represent a promising solution for such detectors. This work presents the test beam results of pixel detectors fabricated in Lapis $200~nm$ Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) CMOS...
The SOI technology is very attractive realizing high-performance monolithic pixel devices. The TID tolerance has been a mojor issue in applicatons, as the positive charges accumulated in the oxide layers deteriorate the performance of the nearby FETs. With use of the innovative double-SOI, the TID effect is shown to be compensated by applying negative voltages to the middle layer. We...
Radiation hardness improvement of FD-SOI MOSFETs has been investigated in terms of positive charge compensation in buried oxide (BOX) by applying back-gate bias. In general, the radiation tolerance of SOI MOSFET is low in total ionizing dose (TID) because the relatively thick oxide, BOX, exists underneath the MOSFETs and the positive charge generated in the oxide by the irradiation. Then,...
We report on total ionizing dose effects on the X-ray SOI pixel sensor, XRPIX. The XRPIX has been developed as an imaging spectrometer for X-ray astronomical use in space. Front- and back-illuminated (FI and BI) devices were irradiated with hard X-rays from an X-ray tube operated at 30 kV with Molybdenum target. We found that the degradation rate of readout noise performance of the FI device...