9–13 Jul 2017
Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center
US/Central timezone

The development of high pinning site densities in multifilamentary PIT wires using the internal oxidation route

10 Jul 2017, 17:30
Hall of Ideas - EH

Hall of Ideas - EH


Peter Lee (Florida State University)


Prior to his passing in late 2016, Leszek Motowidlo
developed a method of applying the Nb-1Zr/SnO2 internal oxidation method
to APC Nb3Sn through a powder-in-tube (PIT) approach that used low-cost
Cu5Sn4 powder as the Sn source. Two designs of
multifilamentary PIT wire were successfully produced and fine-grain A15 layers
with average grain diameters as small as 30 nm were obtained. High
resolution field emission SEM also indicated the presence of point pinning
sites, particularly at grain boundaries. Magnetization and transport critical
current tests showed a shift in the peak of the pinning force curve toward
higher magnetic field. Deconvolution of the pinning force curves indicated a
strong point pinning component, perhaps produced by the ZrO2
precipitates. It was found that the degree of microstructural refinement was very
sensitive to the volume percent of SnO2 in the core. This
presentation will also look at some limitations of this technique, which
included a strong gradient in grain size, uneven distributions of point-pinning
sites and relatively low levels of conversion of Nb6Sn5
to Nb3Sn. Such compromises will need to be addressed to make this
approach competitive with more fully developed conventional internal Sn and PIT
Nb3Sn wires.


The work is funded by the High Energy Physics division of
the US Department of Energy under a Phase I SBIR award DE-SC0009605. A portion
of this work was performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory,
which is supported by National Science Foundation Cooperative Agreement No.
DMR-1157490 and the State of Florida.

Primary authors

Dr Leszek Motowidlo (deceased, formerly SupraMagnetics) Peter Lee (Florida State University) Chiara Tarantini (FSU) Dr Shreyas Balachandran (National High Field Magnet Laboratory) David Larbalestier (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) Dr Zu-Hawn Sung (Fermilab) Dr Arup Ghosh (retired, formerly of Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials

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