9–13 Jul 2017
Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center
US/Central timezone

[Invited] Terahertz emission from the intrinsic Josephson junctions of high-symmetry thermally-managed BSCCO microstrip antennas

12 Jul 2017, 11:45
Hall of Ideas - EH

Hall of Ideas - EH


Prof. Richard Klemm (University of Central Florida)


We study the coherent terahertz emission from the intrinsic Josephson junctions in thermally-managed, high-symmetry, thin microstrip antennas constructed from single crystals of the highly two-dimensional, layered high-temperature superconductor BSCCO. The thin antennas studied are disk[1,2], square[3], and equilateral triangular[4,5] in shape. Upon application of a dc voltage across the junctions, the primary radiation source is the uniform ac Josephson current, but when the appropriate point in the current-voltage characteristics is found, the excitation of an electromagnetic cavity mode can lead to a considerable enhancement of the output power. When properly thermally managed by convering the top and bottom of a thin BSCCO crystallite with Au and sandwiching that between sapphire plates[6], only the one-dimensional representation wave functions of the appropriate point groups are excited, and the world record 2.4 THz emission from a superconductor was recently observed[2] from such a device. The coherent emission is widely tunable and has a narrow linewidth. The angular distributions of the output power are calculated and compared with experiment.
[1] M. Tsujimoto et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 037005 (2010).
[2] T. Kashiwagi et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 082601 (2015).
[3] R. A. Klemm et al., IEEE JSTQE (2017, in press).
[4] D. P. Cerkoney et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29, 015601 (2017).
[5] K. Delfanazari et al., Opt. Express 21, 2171 (2013).
[6] T. Kashiwagi et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 4, 054018 (2015).


Prof. Richard Klemm (University of Central Florida)


Mr Andrew Davis (University of Central Florida) Ms Qing Wang (University of Central Florida) Dr Takashi Yamamoto (University of Ulm) Mr Daniel Cerkoney (Rutgers University) Ms Candy Reid (Lockheed Martin) Mr Maximiliaan Koopman (University of Central Florida) Prof. Hidetoshi Minami (University of Tsukuba) Prof. Takanagi Kashiwagi (University of Tsukuba) Mr Joseph Rain (University of Central Florida) Ms Constance Doty (University of Central Florida) Mr Michael Sedlack (University of Central Florida) Mr Manuel Morales (Harvard Medical School) Ms Chiharu Watanabe (University of Tsukuba) Prof. Manabu Tsujimoto (University of Tsukuba) Dr Kaveh Delfanazari (University of Cambridge) Prof. Kazuo Kadowaki (University of Tsukuba)

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