9–13 Jul 2017
Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center
US/Central timezone

Tunable Broadband Radiation Generated Via Ultrafast Laser Illumination of an Inductively Charged Superconducting Ring

12 Jul 2017, 12:15
Hall of Ideas - EH

Hall of Ideas - EH


Thomas Bullard (UES Inc - AFRL/RQQM)


It is well established that superconducting materials will emit microwave/terahertz radiation when illuminated with a femtosecond infrared laser pulse. Typically this phenomena is examined by illuminating a voltage biased superconducting thin film bridge. In this investigation an inductively charged superconducting thin film ring is considered. We believe the configuration lends itself to a simple compact microwave emitter device as the antenna plays the part of the waveguide and power supply, and contact heating between the current leads and the superconductor are now eliminated. We find that the emitted energy of this system displays a power-law dependence with increasing current, laser energy and illumination area, and shows a frequency dependence on the system dimension as well as a well-defined polarization direction. Results illustrate the rich and complex dynamics that span the optical, terahertz and microwave regimes.


Thomas Bullard (UES Inc - AFRL/RQQM)


John Bulmer (University of Cambridge) Jennifer Reed (UES Inc. - AFRL/RXAP) John Murphy (University of dayton Research Institute) Timothy Haugan (U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory)

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