The R&D on the micro-Resistive-WELL (μ-RWELL) detector technology aims in developing a new scalable, compact, spark-protected, single amplification stage Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) for large area HEP applications as tracking and calorimeter device as well as for industrial and medical applications as X-ray and neutron imaging gas pixel detector. The novel...
We present the development of resistive micromegas with O(mm2) pad readout aiming at precision tracking in high rate environment without efficiency loss up to few MHz/cm2.
The anode copper pads (readout pads) are overlaid by an insulating layer carrying a pattern of resistive pads of the same size of the anode ones. The resistive pads are connected to the readout pads by intermediate...
Stand alone operation of gaseous detectors is a very desirable feature that is not easy to implement for some configurations/applications. However, some strategies can be implemented in order to achieve high level of portability when considering the use of getters to keep the gas clean in a sealed envelope. In this work we implemented a simple purification system in a pure Kr based detector...
GEMpix is a gas detector obtained by the arrangement of a triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) chamber with an C-MOS front-end electronic based on four Timepix chips, with 512 x 512 squared pixels, 55 micron wide. It was designed at CERN in the framework of the European M.Curie ARDENT project for detector developments in radio protection. A new software based on the pre-existent Pixelman has...