Two GEM telescopes, each consisting of three 10x10 cm$^2$ triple-GEM
chambers were built, tested and operated by the Hampton University group.
The GEMs are read out with APV25 frontend chips and FPGA based digitizing
electronics developed by INFN Rome.
The telescopes were used for the luminosity monitoring system at the OLYMPUS
experiment at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, with positron and...
The Super BigBite Spectrometer (SBS) is currently being instrumented at JLab to investigate nucleon structure at high 4-momentum transfer $Q^2$ offered by the 12 $GeV$ electron beam upgrade. Being an optimally cost-effective solution for precision tracking over large areas in a high-rate environment, the large Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector has become the key component in SBS tracking...
The search for the neutrinoless double beta decay (NLDBD) is one of the most important quests nowadays in neutrino physics. Among the different techniques used, high pressure Xenon (HPXe) gas time projection chambers (TPC) stand out because they allow to image the topology of the NLDBD event (one straggling track ending in two blobs), and use it to discriminate signal from background events....
A vigorous tracking and particle identification detector R&D (eRD6 / eRD3) program administered at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is currently being carried out to address some of the detector challenges of the future high luminosity polarized Electron Ion Collider (EIC) envisioned to be next-generation US facility for the Nuclear Physics programs. We present the status of the R&D on...
The CLAS12 experiment at Jefferson Lab will soon begin using a Micromegas Vertex Tracker (MVT) in its central tracking system. The MVT is composed of 6 cylindrical layers and 6 flat disks of resistive bulk detector Micromegas. The detectors have been designed to withstand the high particle flux environment and the high magnetic field using a low material budget of less than 0.5% of a radiation...