The instantaneous luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will be increased up to a factor of five with respect to the present design value by undergoing an extensive upgrade program over the coming decade. In order to benefit from the expected high luminosity performance that will be provided by the Phase-1 upgraded LHC, the first station of the ATLAS muon end-cap Small Wheel...
Large size multilayer resistive Micromegas detectors will be employed for the Muon Spectrometer upgrade of the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The current innermost stations of the muon endcap system, the 10 m diameter Small Wheel, will be upgraded in the 2019-2020 long shutdown of LHC, to retain the good precision tracking and trigger capabilities in the high background environment expected with...
The RICH-1 Detector of the COMPASS Experiment at CERN SPS has been upgraded for the physics run 2016: four new photon detectors, based on MPGD technologies and covering a total active area larger than 1.2 square meters replace the previously used photon detectors, namely MWPCs with CsI photocathodes, in order to cope with the challenging efficiency and stability requirements of the new COMPASS...
The detector architecture consists in a hybrid MPGD combination: two layers of Thick-GEMs (THGEM), the first of which also acts as a reflective photocathode thanks to a CsI film is deposited on its top face, are coupled to a bulk MICROMEGAS with pad segmented anode kept at positive high voltage (HV), while the micromesh is grounded; the signals are read-out via capacitive coupling from a...
We present design and first prototyping results for a low-mass Triple-GEM detector for forward tracking at a future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). In the EIC environment, minimal multiple scattering of tracks must be ensured so that electron tracks can be cleanly matched to calorimeter clusters and so that hadron tracks can efficiently seed RICH ring reconstruction for particle identification....
The ALICE Collaboration is planning a major upgrade of its central barrel detectors to be able to cope with the increased LHC luminosity beyond 2019. In order to record at an increased interaction rate of up to 50 kHz in Pb–Pb collisions, the TPC will be operated in an ungated mode with continuous readout. This demands for a replacement of the currently employed gated Multi-Wire Proportional...