Sep 14 – 17, 2017
Hotel les Aiglons
Europe/Zurich timezone

Poster Sessions

During the SCINT Summer School, you will have the opportunity to present your research activities.

If upon registration you agreed to present your work, we require two things:

- One (printed!) poster: maximum size 85cm x 60cm (~A1 portrait)
Two slides to be displayed during the Flash Orals session (~3 min each)


Mini Orals

The purpose of your mini-oral is to advertise your poster – to get attendees interested in coming to see your work.

  • You are allowed TWO slide in PPT, PPTX (or PDF format).
  • No slide animation is permitted.
  • Your slide MUST be uploaded on THURSDAY EVENING.
  • The slides from all mini-oral presenters will be incorporated into a single presentation, so it is vital that every presenter stick to their time slot (3 min).
  • There will be no time for questions. Listeners can meet you at your poster during the poster session.

Poster Session

The idea of these presentations is to help participants to get to know each others.

Keep this in mind when preparing your poster! You are encouraged to have a few words on yourself. Also feel free to include a picture to help others identifying you.

The poster sessions are scheduled as following:

Friday 10:00-11:00 / Poster Session on Scintillators

Jan Barta Photo-induced preparation of band-gap-engineered garnet powders
Frank Fandrich Anhydrous metal halide precursors for scintillating applications
Lucie Fiserova Scintillation powders for detection of neutrons
Tomas Hubacek Growth and Characterization of InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Well Structures used for Scintillation Detectors
Juraj Páterek Luminescence, scintillation and energy transfer in the doubly doped LuAG:Pr,Dy single crystal
Weronika Wolszczak Quenching processes in scintillators
Tao Xu Study on the Crystal Face  Design and Luminescent Properties of Monodisperse YAG Nanocrystals
Pier Paolo Natali [unknown]
Maksym Buryi Investigation of point defects, emission centers and charge trapping in optical materials by EPR spectroscopy
Augustas Vaitkevičius Luminescence properties of rare earth ions in novel garnets and glasses
David Sanchez Monte Carlo study of the effect of surface roughness in EPMA measurements
Victor Sanchez Tembleque [unknown]

Saturday 10:30-11:30 / Poster Session on Applications

Fahed Alsanea Ionization Quenching Correction in 3D Scintillator Detector for Proton Therapy
Francesca Cova Radiation hardness of Rare Earth doped sol-gel silica fibers for High Energy Physics Detectors
Mattia Fontana Comparison between Anger and Compton cameras for medical imaging: a Monte Carlo simulation study
Richard Gray Miniature Detection Systems for Site Characterisation
Tahereh Niknejad Development of a detector module for Time-of-Flight PET scanners
Andrea Polesel Improvement of time resolution of a PET module with DOI capabilities
Rosalinde Pots Enhancing performance of scintillating crystals using nano-patterns
Matúš Saro Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy geometry optimization using Geant4 toolkit
Gianluca Stringhini An innovative PET module with DOI capability
Vincent Turgeon Non-Invasive Beta Detector for Measuring the Input Function in PET Scans
Jooyoung Lee Underground Physics: neutrino-less double beta decay and dark matter search
Dmitry Philippov Development of SiPM-based X-ray counting scintillation detector for security applications
Andrei Stancalie Evaluation of silicon photomultipliers under ionizing radiation
Carlotta Trigila Development of a portable gamma imaging system for absorbed radiation dose control in targeted radionuclide therapy