20–22 Mar 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

DeepFlavour in CMS

21 Mar 2017, 10:35
222/R-001 (CERN)



Note: MAIN AUDITORIUM for the opening session Monday morning
Show room on map


Markus Stoye (CERN)


Flavour-tagging of jets is an important task in collider based high energy physics and a field where machine learning tools are applied by all major experiments. A new tagger (DeepFlavour) was developed and commissioned in CMS that is based on an advanced machine learning procedure. A deep neural network is used to do multi-classification of jets that origin from a b-quark, two b-quarks, a c-quark, two c-quarks or light colored particles (u, d, s-quark or gluon). The performance was measured in both, data and simulation. The talk will also include the measured performance of all taggers in CMS. The different taggers and results will be discussed and compared with some focus on details of the newest tagger.

Presentation materials