Jul 2 – 6, 2017
AGH University of Science and Technology
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Contribution List

134 / 134
Miroslav Havranek (Czech Technical University in Prague)
7/3/17, 9:40 AM
Lara Carramate (University of Aveiro)
7/3/17, 11:00 AM
Marco Ramilli (Paul Scherrer Institut)
7/3/17, 11:20 AM
Francisca Munoz Sanchez (University of Manchester)
7/3/17, 2:20 PM
Maren Tabea Meinhard (Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich)
7/3/17, 2:40 PM
Stuart George (University of Houston)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Tomas Benka (Czech Technical University in Prague)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Tomas Bartolome Garcia-Nathan (The University of Manchester )
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Yongseok Lee (Korea University)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Pawel Grybos (AGH University of Science and Technology)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Kyung Taek Lim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Kyeongjin Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Kewin Desjardins (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Simon Procz (FMF Freiburg Materials Research Center)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
David Kubanda (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Anna Koziol (AGH University of Science and Technology)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Einar Nygard (ENXENSE AS)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Bohumir Zatko (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Goran Thungstrom (Mid Sweden University)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Fernando Amaro (University of Coimbra)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Giyoon Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Andrea Sagatova (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Fedor Baryshnikov (National University of Science and Technology MISIS )
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Marie Andrae (Paul Scherrer Institut)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Igor Vasylchenko (Charles Univeristy)
7/3/17, 3:50 PM
Krzysztof Kasinski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
7/4/17, 9:00 AM
Pavel Broulim (University of West Bohemia)
7/4/17, 9:40 AM
Maria Giuseppina Bisogni (University and INFN Pisa)
7/4/17, 10:00 AM
Marie Ruat (Paul Scherrer Institut)
7/4/17, 11:40 AM
Anna Koziol (AGH University of Science and Technology)
7/4/17, 2:00 PM
Tomasz Szumlak (AGH University of Science and Technology)
7/4/17, 3:20 PM
Giacomo Traini (Universita degli studi di Roma La Sapienza)
7/4/17, 4:50 PM
Irfan Kuvvetli (DTU Space, Technical University of Denmark )
7/4/17, 5:10 PM
Serge Duarte Pinto (Photonis)
7/4/17, 5:30 PM
Tomasz Fiutowski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
7/5/17, 9:20 AM
Maryna Chernyshova (Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Zhehui Wang (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Antonio Gonzalez (Institute for Instrumentation in Molecular Imaging, i3M)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Jeonghee Lee (Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Andrea Gonzalez-Montoro (Institute for Instrumentation in Molecular Imaging, i3M)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Toru Aoki (Shizuoka University)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Ikuo Kanno (Kyoto University)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Chang Hwy Lim (Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Gordon Neue (Czech Technical University in Prague)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Mahulena Kuklova (Czech Technical University in Prague)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Karol Malinowski (Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Jan Dudak (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU in Prague)
7/5/17, 2:00 PM
Pawel Grybos (AGH University of Science and Technology)
7/6/17, 9:00 AM
Petr Burian (University of West Bohemia)
7/6/17, 9:20 AM
Iain Haughton (University of Manchester)
7/6/17, 10:00 AM
Natascha Savic (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
7/6/17, 11:00 AM
Andrea Gaudiello (INFN Genova)
7/6/17, 11:20 AM
Toshinobu Miyoshi (KEK)
7/6/17, 11:40 AM
Marek Idzik (AGH University of Science and Technology)
7/6/17, 12:00 PM
Christer Fröjdh (Mid Sweden University)
7/6/17, 12:40 PM