12:00 PM
--- Lunch Break ---
1:15 PM
Web page with yields
Jochen Ballof
(Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))
(61/1-009 - Room C)
1:35 PM
MR-TOF prototype for ISOLDE
Frank Wienholtz
(Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet (DE))
(61/1-009 - Room C)
1:55 PM
ISS commissioning plans
Liam Gaffney
(UWS - Univ. of West of Scotland (GB))
(61/1-009 - Room C)
2:20 PM
INTC matters
Karsten Riisager
(Aarhus University (DK))
(61/1-009 - Room C)
2:30 PM
Highlights of the running period. Schedule plans for 2017
Karl Johnston
(61/1-009 - Room C)
2:50 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
3:20 PM
News from the ISOLDE Group and MoU
Maria Jose Garcia Borge
(61/1-009 - Room C)
3:35 PM
EURISOL DF, Long Range Plan
Maria Jose Garcia Borge
(61/1-009 - Room C)
3:55 PM
Publications and Laboratory portrait
Maria Jose Garcia Borge
(61/1-009 - Room C)
4:05 PM
Dates for the next meeting
Maria Jose Garcia Borge
(61/1-009 - Room C)
4:10 PM
(61/1-009 - Room C)