12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
1:30 PM
Afternoon: I
Keri Vos
(Siegen University)
Alexander Khodjamirian
(University of Siegen)
Thomas Mannel
(Siegen University)
(until 3:30 PM)
1:30 PM
Dispersive analysis of $B_{d/s}\to J/\psi \{ \pi\pi, K\bar{K}, \pi\eta \}$ decays
Bastian Kubis
(Bonn University)
2:10 PM
$B\to K^*$ Form Factors on the Lattice
Andria Agadjanov
(University of Bonn)
2:50 PM
A parametrization of pion vector and scalar form factors up to 2 GeV
Stefan Ropertz
(University of Bonn)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee ---
4:00 PM
Afternoon: II
Thomas Mannel
(Siegen University)
Alexander Khodjamirian
(University of Siegen)
(until 5:20 PM)
4:00 PM
Experimental results from b-hadron decays to three-body final states
Rafael Silva Coutinho
(Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
4:40 PM
CP Violation in $B\to h h h$
- Dr
Keri Vos
(Siegen University)
5:20 PM
--- Dinner ---