Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

8–10 May 2017
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

New constaints on SM-anomalous gauge symmetries

8 May 2017, 17:15
G-27 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk Dark Sector & ALPs


Jeff Dror (Cornell University)


In this talk I discuss unappreciated phenomenological consequences of classes of models with new light vector bosons coupled to anomalous currents of Standard Model fermions. Such couplings result in certain process rates growing quadratically with energy. Focusing on this class of constraints I derive new limits that are significantly stronger than in the previous literature for a wide variety of models, and rule out a number of phenomenologically-motivated proposals. As popular examples I focus on the new constraints on the gauging baryon number and on gauging axial number.

Primary author

Jeff Dror (Cornell University)

Presentation materials