8–10 May 2017
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Gravitational Waves from Dark Matter Triggered Electroweak Phase Transition and Higgs Couplings

8 May 2017, 15:15
G-27 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk Cosmology & Astrophysics


Huaike Guo (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Since the detection of the gravitational wave(GW) signals by LIGO, an increasing attention has been given to the GWs generated during the first order Electroweak phase transition(EWPT), a process essential for a successful generation of the baryon asymmetry in the universe. I will present in this talk a scenario where such GWs are generated during a two step EWPT triggered by the dark matter and discuss its discovery prospects in spaced-based interferometers as well as implications on the model from requirement of a strongly first order EWPT and dark matter phenomenology. I will future explore the complementarity in determining the Higgs couplings between measurements at colliders and GW detections. This talk is based mainly on the recent work arxiv:1702.02698.

Primary author

Huaike Guo (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials