8–10 May 2017
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

The minimal GUT with inflation and dark matter unification

8 May 2017, 15:00
G-28 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk BSM I


Heng-Yu Chen (University of Delaware) Heng-Yu Chen (University of Delaware) Heng-Yu Chen (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Giving up the solutions to the fine-tuning problems, we propose the non-supersymmetric flipped $SU(5)\times U(1)_X$ model based on the minimal particle content principle. To achieve gauge coupling unification, we introduce one pair of vector-like fermions, which form complete $SU(5)\times U(1)_X$ representation.
Proton lifetime is around $5\times 10^{35}$ years, neutrino masses and mixing can be explained via seesaw mechanism,baryon asymmetry can be generated via leptogenesis, and vacuum stability problem can be solved as well. In particular, we propose that inflaton and dark matter particle can be unified to a real scalar field with $Z_2$ symmetry, which is not an axion and does not have the non-minimal coupling to gravity. Such kind of scenarios can be applied to the
generic scalar dark matter models. Also, as one of realistic examples in our model, we find that the vector-like particle corrections to the SM prediction of the mixing $M_{12}$ for $B_s^0$ can be about 6.6%, while their corrections to the $K^0$ and $B_d^0$ are negligible.


Heng-Yu Chen (University of Delaware) Ilia Gogoladze (University of Delaware) Shan Hu (Hubei University) Tianjun Li (Institute of theoretical physics, Chinese Academy of sciences ) Lina Wu (University of electronic science and technology of China) Heng-Yu Chen (University of Delaware) Heng-Yu Chen (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

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