28 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Posters Instructions

Submitting a Poster

Poster abstracts can be submitted from now on and until 21 August, using the button in 'Call for Posters'. You may need to create a Lightweight Account, using the link below:


CERN Print Service

If you wish to have your poster printed at CERN instead of carrying it from home, please find below some instructions.

  1. Please ensure you adhere to the poster printing tips - in particular please use light background colours: https://cern.ch/printservice/UserTools/pdf/PosterTips.pdf.
  2. The Poster Printing service is only for final copies, and a single copy is for free. Additional copies will be charged.
  3. To print your poster, please use the submission form available at: https://cern.ch/printservice
  4. Do not leave your printing request until the last minute – We recommend you to send it at least two days before the session. We guarantee the poster is printed by the end of the following day.
  5. You will receive a message from the Printshop when your poster has been printed.

Poster Prize

Two prizes will be awarded for the best student poster on each category:  Data Analysis/Theory and Experimentation/Instrumentation.

By "best poster" we mean a combination of the quality and significance of the research, and the clarity and attractiveness of the poster itself, in the opinion of the judges.

Each prize comes with an award of CHF 150.

Graduate and undergraduate student members of both the LSC and Virgo are eligible.

Winners of the prize at the immediately preceding LSC-Virgo meeting are not eligible to win at this meeting.

If the poster has co-authors, the student must have played A MAJOR ROLE in the research being presented and must have done MORE THAN HALF of the work of preparing the poster itself.

The student must be attending the LSC-Virgo meeting. Judges may ask the student questions during the poster sessions, but this is not a required part of the judging process.

Two or more students who co-author a poster (possibly with others too) are eligible jointly if they EACH played A MAJOR ROLE in the research being presented, and TOGETHER have done MORE THAN HALF of the work of preparing the poster itself. At least one of them must be attending the LSC-Virgo meeting.