Jun 27 – 29, 2017
Europe/Belgrade timezone

Contribution List

98 / 98
Christopher Hunt (Imperial College)
6/27/17, 11:00 AM
Edward Overton (The University of Sheffield)
6/27/17, 11:00 AM
Mihailo Savic (University of Belgrade (RS))
6/27/17, 11:20 AM
colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
6/27/17, 11:20 AM
Francois Elie Rene Drielsma (Universite de Geneve (CH))
6/27/17, 11:40 AM
Alan Bross (Fermilab)
6/27/17, 11:55 AM
Mr Misha Fedorov
6/27/17, 12:00 PM
Joe Langlands (University of Sheffield)
6/27/17, 12:10 PM
Steven Boyd (University of Warwick)
6/27/17, 12:15 PM
Aleksandar Bogojevic (Institute of Physics Belgrade)
6/27/17, 2:00 PM
Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB))
6/27/17, 2:10 PM
Alan Bross (Fermilab)
6/27/17, 2:30 PM
Chris Rogers (STFC)
6/27/17, 3:00 PM
Steven Boyd (University of Warwick)
6/27/17, 4:00 PM
Edward Overton (The University of Sheffield), Victoria Blackmore (Imperial College London)
6/27/17, 4:20 PM
Edward Overton (The University of Sheffield)
6/27/17, 4:40 PM
Christopher Hunt (Imperial College)
6/28/17, 8:30 AM
Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB)), Victoria Blackmore (Imperial College London)
6/28/17, 8:50 AM
Chris Rogers (STFC), Chris Rogers (RAL)
6/28/17, 9:20 AM
Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago), Scott Wilbur (University of Sheffield)
6/28/17, 10:00 AM
Melissa Uchida (Imperial College London)
6/28/17, 10:20 AM
John Nugent (University of Glasgow)
6/28/17, 11:00 AM
John Cobb (Oxford University)
6/28/17, 11:40 AM
Scott Wilbur (University of Sheffield)
6/28/17, 12:00 PM
6/28/17, 12:20 PM
Paolo Franchini (Warwick University - MICE)
6/28/17, 1:30 PM
Francois Elie Rene Drielsma (Universite de Geneve (CH))
6/28/17, 1:50 PM
Tanaz Angelina Mohayai (Illinois Institute of Technology)
6/28/17, 2:10 PM
David Neuffer, Pavel Snopok (IIT/Fermilab)
6/28/17, 2:30 PM
6/28/17, 2:50 PM
colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
6/28/17, 3:30 PM
Jason Stuart Tarrant (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
6/28/17, 3:50 PM
Josef Boehm (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
6/28/17, 4:10 PM
Alexandre Zaitsev (IHEP, Protvino)
6/28/17, 4:30 PM
6/28/17, 5:00 PM
Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
6/29/17, 9:00 AM
Edward Overton (The University of Sheffield)
6/29/17, 9:20 AM
Ajit Kurup
6/29/17, 9:40 AM
Dr Dimitrije Maletic
6/29/17, 10:00 AM
6/29/17, 10:20 AM
Chris Rogers (STFC)
6/29/17, 11:00 AM
Chris Booth (University of Sheffield (GB))
6/29/17, 11:25 AM
Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB))
6/29/17, 11:45 AM
Henry Nebrensky (Brunel University)
Chris Booth (University of Sheffield (GB))
Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
Edward Overton (The University of Sheffield)
colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
Francois Elie Rene Drielsma (Universite de Geneve (CH))
Jan Greis, Melissa Uchida (Imperial College London)
Tanaz Angelina Mohayai (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Tanaz Angelina Mohayai (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College, London)
Victoria Bayliss (STFC)
Josef Boehm (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Scott Wilbur (University of California Davis (US))
Dimitrije Maletic
Victoria Blackmore (Imperial College London)
colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde)
colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde)
Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde)
Paul Soler Jermyn (University of Glasgow (GB)), Ryan Bayes (University of Glasgow)
colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
Christopher Hunt (Imperial College)
Josef Boehm (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Scott Wilbur (University of California Davis (US))
Paul Kyberd (Departm.of Physics(QMW-Coll.))
Paolo Franchini (Warwick University - MICE)
Jason Stuart Tarrant (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
David Neuffer, Pavel Snopok (IIT/Fermilab)