The p(7Li,n)7Be reaction can be used to produce forward neutron beam based on the principle of inverse kinematics, which is useful to reduce the background of the measurement of prompt fission γ-ray emission from fast neutron induced fission of $^{235}$U and 238U. A hybrid $\text{7Li3}^+$ ion source is going to be adopted to produce 10 eμA beam for this experiment. Previously a high B field 2.45 GHz ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) ion source has been built at Peking University (PKU). Oxygen gas was used in the preliminary experiment. About 273 eμA $\text{O3}^+$ and 446 eμA $\text{O2}^+$ were produced with the high B source. This indicates the feasibility of producing high charge state ions with lower frequency and high B field. Recently, a tandem-type hybrid ion source with the combination of a 2.45 GHz ECR ion source and a hot surface ionization source was proposed for $\text{Li3}^+$ ion generation. An oven will be used to produce lithium vapor and the surface ionization source converts the lithium atoms into $\text{Li}^+$ ions. Then $\text{Li}^+$ will be striped into $\text{Li3}^+$ in ECR region. The configuration of magnetic field is min-B and the radial magnets are designed in a novel fixing structure, which effectively protect the radial magnets from heating. Details will be presented in the paper.