Leo Weissman
(Soreq NRC)
Several studies were performed over the recent years for better understanding and improving a relatively low proton beam transmission through the SARAF RFQ. A strong effect of the RFQ 176 MHZ RF field on the low energy beam optics was observed.The effect takes place in the Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT) line at the vicinity of the RFQ entrance flange. The effect was measured for various LEBT protons beam energy. The measurements suggest that, most likely, the effect is associated with loss of the beam neutralization in the LEBT region adjacent to RFQ. Calculations of the electrical fields and beam dynamics simulations performed for the region of interest confirmed this assumption. Possible improvements of the RFQ design are discussed.
Leo Weissman
(Soreq NRC)
Liron Baron
(Soreq NRC)
Amichay Perry
(Soreq NRC)
Jacob Rodnizki
(Soreq NRC)