Daniel Wielanek
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Correlation femtoscopy is a tool to study the spatio-temporal structure of particle emission. Preparation for such measurements at MPD detector require few things.
First task is finding good theoretical models to find out how much data is needed and what measurements precision is required. Second task is measuring detector capabilities. We have to find out what are the detector limitations. Those two requirements require software for analysis and reconstruction, this software should be also used for analysis of data that will be taken in near future.
In this talk we shortly present current activity of our group by presenting current status of work on those tasks.
Daniel Wielanek
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Ludmila Malinina
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
Oleg Rogachevsky
Konstantin Mikhaylov
(Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))
Pavel Batyuk
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
Richard Lednicky
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)