Dear Authors,
Thank you for taking part in the NICA Days 2017 conference. You are invited to submit online version of your articles for the NICA Days 2017 proceedings.
The deadline for articles submission 15th of March 2018.
Articles will be published in "Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement"
If a paper is submitted to Acta Physica Polonica B it is assumed that:
The manuscript represents original work of all the listed Authors.
All of the listed Authors agree to submit the paper to Acta Physica Polonica B.
The manuscript has not been published elsewhere, nor is it being submitted to any other journal.
The Authors accept the Editorial Procedures as listed on:
You have to follow the instructions for authors available on the website:, and use the template. The maximum size is 4 pages. Please submit your article as PDF on the NICA Days 2017 webpage .
Attention: You must be “logon” as a “Main Author” to NICA web page to find papers submit options!
After review, once your paper has been accepted, you will be invited to upload your article as source LaTeX file (please upload also each figure as ps or eps file).
For the LaTeX files use the template, that you can find:
You will also be invited to complete the publication right form. The Copyright will be retained by the author(s):
Shall you have any questions or encounter problems, please send it by e-mail to:
Sincerely yours,
Krystian Rosłon (on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the NICA DAYS 2017 conference)