6–10 Nov 2017
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Inteligent Power Distributor for Slow Control System

10 Nov 2017, 09:40
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Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa
Talk Student Program: SCS-2017 Slow Control System Dubna 2017 Session 1; 10-nov 2017;


Tomasz Zalewski (Warsaw University of Technology) Klaudia Zardzewiala (Politechnika Warszawska) Aleksandra Fliszkiewicz (Warsaw University of Technology)


Power supply is obviously essential for all electrical appliances. However, for advanced and sophisticated network that require enormous number of connections and supply different types of devices this problem becomes crucial. According to the idea of slow control such system should be designed in the way to ensure scalability, flexibility, reliability and remote controlling with all typical failure preventions. Proposition of such a system is presented in this article with emphasis of intelligent - equal electrical phase distribution in the system.

Primary authors

Tomasz Zalewski (Warsaw University of Technology) Klaudia Zardzewiala (Politechnika Warszawska) Aleksandra Fliszkiewicz (Warsaw University of Technology) Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)

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