6–10 Nov 2017
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Welcome to NICA days 2017

Building the electronic combination lock

10 Nov 2017, 10:10
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Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa
Talk Student Program: SCS-2017 Slow Control System Dubna 2017 Session 1; 10-nov 2017;


Mr Aleksander KubańMs Aleksandra Bedełek (Politechnika Warszawska)


The goal of our work was to build the electronic combination lock by using equipment from roger company. The elements that we used were following:
- Network Controller,
- Communication Interface,
- Access Controller,
- Electronic Lock,
- Metal Enclosure with Transformer.
The course of action:
We read the manual and connected all the elements as shown in instructions(manual).
Next we tested it for accessing, opening this lock with different access cards and tokens. We were able to program each and everyone of the access cards, so that the lock could be open by card A only in given time. Also there is a feature that allows to bound every card to different pin code - after swiping the card the specific pin code, different for every card, must be entered. It fortifies the lock by making it almost impossible to breach, not only does the thief need to steal the card, but he also have to get the pin code in order to open the lock. Even after obtaining those two elements he still would be able to open the lock only in certain time. Last but not least, the electronic combination lock can be manually override by using key.


Mr Aleksander Kubań Ms Aleksandra Bedełek (Politechnika Warszawska) Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology) Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology)

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