Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

4–7 Dec 2017
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
America/Bogota timezone
from December 4 to 7 December 2017 Bogotá, Colombia

This is the second Colombian Meeting on High Energy Physics, following a very successful first meeting in 2016.  We hope to bring together young and senior particle physicists from Colombia and abroad, to discuss recent progress in particle physics, cosmology and related areas. The program of the meeting will address a broad range of topics, such as:

  • Standard Model and beyond
  • Neutrino physics 
  • Hadron and flavor physics
  • Dark matter
  • Cosmology
  • Cosmic rays
  • Future experiments

Some financial support might be available upon request for a limited number of students presenting a parallel talk or a poster.

Important dates:

Deadline for abstract submission: 1st of November 2017

Deadline for requesting financial support: 1st of November 2017

Registration deadline: 15th of November 2017

Scientific Organizing committee

  • Alberto Correa Dos Reis (CBPF - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Brazil)
  • Alex Marcelo Tapia (Universidad de Medellin)
  • Bobby Acharya (King's College London, UK- International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy)
  • Bruno El-Bennich (Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, Brazil)
  • Carlos Andres Florez Bustos (Universidad de los Andes)
  • Carlos Avila Bernal (Universidad de los Andes)
  • Carlos Sandoval (Universidad Antonio Nariño)
  • Diego Milanés (Universidad Nacional)
  • Eduardo Rojas (Universidad de Antioquia)
  • Gabriela Alejandra Navarro (Universidad Antonio Nariño)
  • Jairo Alexis Rodriguez Lopez (Universidad Nacional)
  • Mario A. Acero Ortega (Universidad del Atlantico)
  • Oscar Alberto Zapata Noreña (Universidad de Antioquia)
  • Richard Benavides (Instituto Tecnologico Metropolitano)
  • Carlos Vera (Universidad del Tolima)


Please feel free to contact us for any additional information. We are looking forward to seeing you in Bogotá.