31 July 2018 to 6 August 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

4d ensembles of percolating center vortices and chains

5 Aug 2018, 14:00
Hall E (Arts Bldg.)

Hall E

Arts Bldg.

Talk A: Vacuum structure and confinement Vacuum structure and confinement


Prof. Luis E. Oxman (Fluminense Federal University)


Ensembles of magnetic defects successfully explain many properties of confinement and are strongly believed to capture the (infrared) YM path-integral measure. In this work, we motivate and propose a measure to compute center element averages where vortices and chains (with non-Abelian d.o.f. and monopole fusion) are differentiated. When center vortices percolate and monopoles condense, using Julia-Toulouse and related ideas, we suggest that the average is captured by a saddle point and collective modes in a YMH model. In this manner, flux tubes with $N$-ality and Lüscher terms are accommodated in an ensemble picture.


Prof. Luis E. Oxman (Fluminense Federal University)

Presentation materials