12:00 PM
Round table
Paolo Di Vecchia
(Nordita, Stockholm +N. Bohr Inst. Copenhagen)
(until 1:00 PM)
12:00 PM
Axion physics: status, prospects and challenges
Guido Martinelli
(Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
Axel Lindner
Paolo Di Vecchia
(Nordita, Stockholm +N. Bohr Inst. Copenhagen)
Massimiliano Lattanzi
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Maurizio Gianotti
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Vacuum structure and confinement
Jeff Greensite
(San Francisco State University)
(until 3:40 PM)
(Hall E)
2:00 PM
Hamiltonian approach to QCD in Coulomb gauge at finite temperatures
Hugo Reinhardt
(Universität Tübingen)
(Hall E)
2:30 PM
Color Confinement, Hadron Dynamics, and Hadron Spectroscopy from Light-Front Holography and Superconformal Algebra
- Prof.
Stanley J. Brodsky
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanfird University)
(Hall E)
3:00 PM
Ghost Sector in Minimal Linear Covariant Gauge
Attilio Cucchieri
(University of São Paulo)
(Hall E)
3:20 PM
Confinement, infrared screening of the QCD vacuum density and small cosmological constant
Roman Pasechnik
(Lund university)
(Hall E)
2:00 PM
Light quarks
Hagop Sazdjian
(University Paris-Sud)
(until 3:40 PM)
(Hall A)
2:00 PM
Light-Quark Resonances at COMPASS
Stefan Wallner
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
(Hall A)
2:30 PM
Meson resonances in QCD
Jozef Dudek
(Hall A)
3:00 PM
Dynamical spin effects in the pseudoscalar meson octet within holographic light-front QCD
- Dr
Ruben Sandapen
(Acadia University)
(Hall A)
3:20 PM
Quark-gluon vertex and flavour-dependence of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking
Fernando Serna
(Hall A)
2:00 PM
Heavy quarks
Yan-Qing Ma
(until 3:40 PM)
(Hall H)
2:00 PM
XYZ States at BESIII
Leonard Koch
(Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
(Hall H)
2:20 PM
The mixing of hybrids with quarkonia
Joan Soto
(Universitat de Barcelona)
(Hall H)
2:40 PM
¯b ¯bud tetraquark resonances in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation using lattice QCD potentials
Martin Pflaumer
(Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
(Hall H)
3:00 PM
On the existence of heavy-light tetraquarks
- Prof.
Nilmani Mathur
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
(Hall H)
3:20 PM
The Born-Oppenheimer approximation in an effective field theory framework
Gastao Krein
(Hall H)
2:00 PM
Peter Petreczky
(until 3:40 PM)
(Hall F)
2:00 PM
Azimuthal momentum anisotropies in proton-proton collisions and other small systems
Bjoern Schenke
(Brookhaven National Lab)
(Hall F)
2:30 PM
Nonequilibrium viscous correction to the phase space density and bulk viscosity in the relaxation time approximation
Alina Czajka
(McGill University/Jan Kochanowski University)
(Hall F)
3:00 PM
Temperature dependence of $\eta/s$: uncertainties from the equation of state
Jussi Auvinen
(Institute of Physics Belgrade)
(Hall F)
3:20 PM
Wigner function approach to polarization-vorticity coupling and hydrodynamics with spin
Avdhesh Kumar
(Hall F)
2:00 PM
QCD and New Physics
Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada
(until 3:40 PM)
(Hall B)
2:00 PM
The g-2 Experiment at Fermilab.
- Dr
Barry King
(University of Liverpool)
(Hall B)
2:30 PM
Hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
Massimiliano Procura
(University of Vienna (AT))
(Hall B)
3:00 PM
Standard Model Effective Field Theory and Lepton Flavour Violation
Giovanni Marco Pruna
(Hall B)
3:20 PM
Study of the e+e- -> hadrons reactions with the CMD-3 detector at the VEPP-2000 collider
- Dr
Peter Lukin
(Hall B)
2:00 PM
Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics
Thomas Cohen
(University of Maryland)
(until 3:40 PM)
(Hall D)
2:00 PM
New view of melting nuclear matter into quark matter
Kenji Fukushima
(The University of Tokyo)
(Hall D)
2:20 PM
Influence of quark masses and strangeness degrees of freedom on inhomogeneous chiral phases
Michael Buballa
(TU Darmstadt)
(Hall D)
2:40 PM
Color superconductivity and charge neutrality
Andreas Windisch
(Washington University in St Louis)
(Hall D)
3:00 PM
Symmetry breaking patterns in dense QCD
Marc Leonhardt
(Technische Universität Darmstadt)
(Hall D)
3:20 PM
Pion condensation and the QCD phase diagram at finite isospin density
- Prof.
Jens Oluf Andersen
(Hall D)
2:00 PM
Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century
Sergei Gleyzer
(University of Florida (US))
(until 3:40 PM)
(Hall C)
2:00 PM
Networked data-science for research, academic communities and beyond
Andrey Ustyuzhanin
(Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))
(Hall C)
2:30 PM
Direct Learning of Systematics-Aware Summary Statistics
Pablo De Castro Manzano
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
(Hall C)
3:00 PM
Fisher information metrics for binary classifier evaluation and training
Andrea Valassi
(Hall C)
3:40 PM
--- Coffee ---
4:00 PM
Vacuum structure and confinement
Dmitry Antonov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI))
(until 5:40 PM)
(Hall E)
4:00 PM
Field-Strength Descriptions for a Confined System of SU(2) Charges
- Prof.
Dennis Sivers
(Portland Physics Institute)
(Hall E)
4:20 PM
Application of new anomaly to QCD vacua
- Dr
Yuya Tanizaki
(Hall E)
4:40 PM
(Hall E)
4:00 PM
Focus Subsection - Parallel
Vladimir Shevchenko
(National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute (RU))
(until 5:50 PM)
(Hall D)
4:00 PM
Confinement and asymptotic freedom with Cooper pairs
- Dr
Maria Cristina Diamantini
(University of Perugia)
(Hall D)
4:20 PM
Interacting Topological Insulators with Synthetic Dimensions
- Dr
Cenke Xu
(Hall D)
4:50 PM
Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of topological an anomalous effects from chiral kinetic theory
Niklas Mueller
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(Hall D)
5:20 PM
Competing Order in the Hexagonal Hubbard Model
- Prof.
Lorenz von Smekal
(Justus-Liebig University Giessen)
(Hall D)
4:00 PM
Light quarks
Jose Luis Goity
(Hampton University/Jefferson Lab)
(until 6:00 PM)
(Hall A)
4:00 PM
Hyperons: Production systematics, form factors, and diquark correlations
Kamal Seth
(Northwestern University)
(Hall A)
4:30 PM
Studying the structure of few-hadron states
Raul Briceno
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facillity)
(Hall A)
5:00 PM
Exotic states and their properties in large-Nc QCD
Dmitri Melikhov
(Hall A)
5:20 PM
Analysis of the $b_1$ meson decay in local tensor bilinear representation
- Dr
Kie Sang Jeong
(Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics)
(Hall A)
5:40 PM
Review of phenomenological analyses of \eta \pi resonances measured at the COMPASS experiment activities and recent results
Arkaitz Rodas Bilbao
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
(Hall A)
4:00 PM
Heavy quarks
Joan Soto
(Universitat de Barcelona)
(until 5:40 PM)
(Hall H)
4:00 PM
A quark model description of X(4260)
- Prof.
pedro gonzalez
(Universitat de Valencia (Spain))
(Hall H)
4:20 PM
Patterns in pion-exchange
Timothy Burns
(Hall H)
4:40 PM
Pentaquark and hybrid states
Elena Santopinto
(Hall H)
5:00 PM
On the origin of Y(4260) and the J^{PC}=1^{--} exotic mesons
- Dr
Sachiko Takeuchi
(Japan College of Social Work)
(Hall H)
5:20 PM
Isospin violations at BESIII
- Dr
Hongrong Qi
(Beihang University)
(Hall H)
4:00 PM
Peter Petreczky
(until 5:50 PM)
(Hall F)
4:00 PM
Hadron gas with repulsive mean field
Pasi Huovinen
(University of Wroclaw)
(Hall F)
4:30 PM
S-matrix approach to hadron gas
- Dr
Pok Man Lo
(University of Wroclaw)
(Hall F)
5:00 PM
Chiral and $U(1)_A$ restoration: Ward Identities and effective theories
- Prof.
Angel Gomez Nicola
(Universidad Complutense Madrid)
(Hall F)
5:20 PM
Towards the NNNLO pressure of cold and dense QCD
Matias Säppi
(University of Helsinki)
(Hall F)
4:00 PM
QCD and New Physics
Massimiliano Procura
(University of Vienna (AT))
(until 5:40 PM)
(Hall B)
4:00 PM
The Lund Jet Plane
Frederic Alexandre Dreyer
(Hall B)
4:30 PM
Searching for new physics with jet substructure
Steven Schramm
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
(Hall B)
5:00 PM
A Model for Soft and Hard Interactions based on the CGC/Saturation Approach
- Prof.
Errol Gotsman
(Tel Aviv University)
(Hall B)
5:20 PM
One-loop lattice study of composite bilinear operators in Supersymmetric QCD
- Dr
Marios Costa
(University of Cyprus)
(Hall B)
4:00 PM
Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century
Sergei Gleyzer
(University of Florida (US))
(until 5:40 PM)
(Hall C)
4:00 PM
20+ Years of CL_s
Alexander Lincoln Read
(University of Oslo (NO))
(Hall C)
4:30 PM
Statistics in Particle Physics: Ideals vs Reality
Matthias Ulrich Mozer
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
(Hall C)
5:00 PM
Estimation of global statistical significance of a new signal within the GooFit framework on GPUs
- Mr
Adriano Di Florio
(Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
(Hall C)
5:20 PM
Summary and closing of section H
- Dr
Sergei Gleyzer
(University of Florida (US))
(Hall C)
6:00 PM
(until 8:00 PM)
6:00 PM
On the quark-gluon vertex at nonvanishing temperature
Romain Contant
(University of Graz)
6:01 PM
Charge correlations and strongly intensive fluctuations in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions in the string model
- Dr
Vladimir Kovalenko
(St Petersburg State University)
6:02 PM
On the order of the thermal transition in QCD as function of the number of quark flavours and their masses
Francesca Cuteri
(J. W. Goethe Universität)
6:03 PM
High Precision Statistical Landau Gauge Lattice Gluon Propagator Computation
Paulo Silva
(Center for Physics, University of Coimbra)
6:04 PM
How to find the glueball among the f0s with the QCD counting rules
Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada
(Univ. Complutense de Madrid)
6:05 PM
The proper-time evolution of the magnetic susceptibility in a magnetized quark-gluon plasma
- Mr
S.M.Ali Tabatabaee
(Sharif University of Technology)
6:06 PM
Phase Transition, Critical Point and Random Fluctuation Walk
- Prof.
Gennady Kozlov
6:07 PM
The electromagnetic respond of quark gluon plasma in asymmetry heavy ion collisions
- Dr
Ahmad Farzaneh Kord
(Hakim Sabzevari University)
6:09 PM
Energy-dependent hotspots model via vector meson photoproduction
- Dr
Michal Krelina
(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)
6:10 PM
Anomalous transport, massive gravity theories and holographic momentum relaxation
- Dr
Eugenio Megias
(University of Granada)
6:11 PM
Direct Learning of Systematics-Aware Summary Statistics
Pablo De Castro Manzano
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
6:12 PM
Type of dual superconductivity for SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills theories
Akihiro Shibata
6:13 PM
Black Hole Thermodynamics from D0 Brane Quantum Mechanics
Evan Berkowitz
6:14 PM
Evolution of higher moments of multiplicity distribution
Radka Sochorová
(FNSPE, Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic)
6:15 PM
Hadronic Paschen-Back effect: P-wave charmonia under strong magnetic fields
Sachio Iwasaki
6:16 PM
Non-equilibrium generalizations of Large-$N_c$ volume independence
Axel Cortés Cubero
6:18 PM
QCD at nonzero isospin asymmetry
Bastian Brandt
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
6:19 PM
Temperature dependence of SU(3)-gluodynamics bulk and shear viscosities within lattice simulation
Nikita Astrakhantsev
6:20 PM
Open-Flavour Mesons from the Angle of Bethe, Dyson, Salpeter, Schwinger, et al.
Wolfgang Lucha
(Austrian Academy of Sciences)
6:21 PM
Bethe–Salpeter-Motivated Modelling of Pseudo-Goldstone Pseudoscalar Mesons
Wolfgang Lucha
(Austrian Academy of Sciences)
6:22 PM
Color screening in 2+1 flavor QCD
- Mr
Sebastian Steinbeißer
(Technische Universität München)
6:23 PM
The role of the thermal f0(500) or sigma in chiral symmetry restoration
- Ms
Andrea Vioque-Rodríguez
(Universidad Complutense Madrid)
6:26 PM
Monopole Dominance of Confinement in SU(3) Lattice QCD
Hideo Suganuma
(Kyoto University)
6:27 PM
Spectral properties of light and charm mesons from Nf=2+1 anisotropic lattice QCD
Ryan Quinn
(Maynooth University)
6:28 PM
Spatial distribution of colour fields in the $SU(3)$ flux tube
Francesca Cuteri
(J. W. Goethe Universität)