XIIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum

from Tuesday 31 July 2018 (19:00) to Monday 6 August 2018 (13:00)
Maynooth University

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
31 Jul 2018
1 Aug 2018
2 Aug 2018
3 Aug 2018
4 Aug 2018
5 Aug 2018
6 Aug 2018
Plenary - Antonio Vairo (until 10:30) (Arts Theatre)
09:00 Opening - Prof. Aidan Mulkeen (Maynooth University)   (Arts Theatre)
09:30 Review of experimental results from heavy-ion collisions - Yiota Foka (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   (Arts Theatre)
10:00 Status of QCD at nonzero temperature - Alexei Bazavov (Michigan State)   (Arts Theatre)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Plenary - David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw) (until 12:00) (JH1)
11:00 Bayesian techniques and applications to QCD - Prof. Alexander Rothkopf (University of Stavanger)   (JH1)
11:30 Consequences of neutron star mergers for constraining the QCD equation of state - Luciano Rezzolla (Goethe University Frankfurt)   (JH1)
Plenary - Geoffrey Bodwin (Argonne National Laboratory) (until 10:30) (JH1)
09:00 Experimental Aspects of Heavy Quark Exotica - Ryan Mitchell   (JH1)
09:30 Large N_c QCD and tetraquarks - Prof. Hagop Sazdjian (IPN, University Paris-Sud, Orsay)   (JH1)
10:00 Advances in machine learning and applications to QCD - Lily Asquith (University of Sussex (UK))   (JH1)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Plenary - Antonio Pich (Unknown) (until 12:00) (JH1)
11:00 Lattice calculations of αs - Alberto Ramos Martinez (Trinity College Dublin (IE))   (JH1)
11:15 Determinations of alpha_s from lattice and EFT - Peter Petreczky (BNL)   (JH1)
11:30 αs from high-energy collider data - Sven-Olaf Moch (Hamburg)   (JH1)
11:45 Determinations of αs from SCET - Andre Hoang (University of Vienna)   (JH1)
Plenary - Wolfgang Lucha (Austrian Academy of Sciences) (until 10:30) (JH1)
09:00 Atmospheric charm, QCD and neutrino astronomy - Prof. Bernd Kniehl (II. Inst. f. Theor. Phys., Univ. Hamburg)   (JH1)
09:30 Parton and quasi-parton distribution functions: EFT description and lattice - Xiangdong Ji (Shanghai)   (JH1)
10:00 GPDs and nucleon tomography - Franck Sabatié (CEA Saclay)   (JH1)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Plenary (until 12:00) (JH1)
11:00 SUSY and Confinement - John Terning (UC Davis) Prof. John Terning (UC Davis)   (JH1)
11:30 The mass of the QCD axion - Kalman Szabo (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)   (JH1)
Plenary - Hideo Suganuma (Kyoto University) (until 10:30) (JH1)
09:00 Applications of the functional renormalisation group: From strongly correlated QCD to asymptotically safe quantum gravity - Jan M. Pawlowski (University of Heidelberg)   (JH1)
09:30 Exploring non-abelian gauge theory with energy-momentum tensor; stress, thermodynamics and correlations - Masakiyo Kitazawa (Osaka University)   (JH1)
10:00 Complex paths beyond Lefschetz thimbles: real time dynamics and the sign problem - Andrei Alexandru (The George Washington University)   (JH1)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Plenary -Dr Michael Creutz (Brookhaven Lab) (until 12:30) (JH1)
11:00 Anomalous chiral matter: from QCD to condensed matter - Igor Shovkovy (Arizona State University)   (JH1)
11:30 Nonperturbative Casimir Effects - Dr Maxim Chernodub (Institute Dennis Poisson, University of Tours, France)   (JH1)
12:00 Quantum information and strongly interacting theories - Stefan Floerchinger (Heidelberg University)   (JH1)
Plenary - Guido Martinelli (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) (until 10:30) (JH1)
09:30 Recent QCD and electroweak results from LHC - Katharina Mueller (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (JH1)
10:00 The shape of new physics in B-meson decays - Jorge Martin Camalich (CERN)   (JH1)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Plenary - Joan Soto (Universitat de Barcelona) (until 12:50) (JH1)
11:00 Multi-hadron observables from lattice QCD - Maxwell Hansen (CERN)   (JH1)
11:30 Mass definition in QCD and mass extraction - Urs M. Heller (American Phycsical Society)   (JH1)
12:00 Review of quarkonium production: status and prospects - Hee Sok Chung (Technische Universität Muenchen (DE))   (JH1)
12:30 Mike Pennington - an appreciation - Ayşe Kızılersü (Adelaide)   (JH1)
Plenary - Gastao Krein (UNESP) (until 11:00) (JH1)
09:30 Dual QCD and Kaon Flavour Physics - Prof. Andrzej Buras (TUM-IAS)   (JH1)
10:00 Double beta decay, low energy hadron physics, neutron EDM: results from Lattice QCD - Amy Nicholson (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)   (JH1)
10:30 SCET and jets in QCD - Iain Stewart (MIT)   (JH1)
11:00 --- Coffee ---
Plenary - Jon-Ivar Skullerud (National University of Ireland Maynooth) (until 13:00) (JH1)
11:30 On the order of the thermal transition in QCD as function of the number of quark flavours and their masses - Francesca Cuteri (J. W. Goethe Universität)   (JH1)
11:36 How to find the glueball among the f0s with the QCD counting rules - Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada (Univ. Complutense de Madrid)   (JH1)
11:42 Direct Learning of Systematics-Aware Summary Statistics - Pablo De Castro Manzano (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (JH1)
11:48 Particle Physics Masterclasses - Jon-Ivar Skullerud (National University of Ireland Maynooth)   (JH1)
11:55 Dark matter from strongly coupled dark sectors - Keith Dienes (University of Arizona)   (JH1)
12:25 Summary - Nora brambilla   (JH1)
12:45 Closing Remarks - Jon-Ivar Skullerud (National University of Ireland Maynooth)   (JH1)
12:55 Close of conference - Mr James Lawless TD   (JH1)
Social event (until 21:00) (Pugin Hall)
Round table - David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw) (until 13:00) (JH1)
12:00 What can neutron star and heavy ion physics learn from each other? - Pawel Danielewicz Mark Alford (Washington University, St Louis) David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw) Ingo Tews Aleksi Vuorinen (University of Helsinki) Thomas Klaehn (University of Wroclaw)   (JH1)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Vacuum structure and confinement - Manfried Faber (Vienna University of Technology) (until 15:40) (Hall E)
14:00 Schwinger-Dyson Equation confronts lattice QCD - Prof. Daniel Zwanziger (New York University, New York, NY 10003, USA)   (Hall E)
14:30 On the distinction between color confinement, and confinement - Prof. Jeff Greensite (San Francisco State University)   (Hall E)
15:00 Confinement, Instanton-dyons and Monopoles - Edward Shuryak   (Hall E)
Light quarks - Xiangdong Ji (Shanghai) (until 15:40) (Hall A)
14:00 New results on distribution amplitudes from lattice QCD - Prof. Gunnar Bali (Universität Regensburg)   (Hall A)
14:30 Parton-pseudo distribution functions from Lattice QCD - Savvas Zafeiropoulos   (Hall A)
15:00 Pion structure from lattice QCD - Peter Petreczky (BNL)   (Hall A)
15:20 Fractal structure, power-law distribution and hadron spectrum - Airton Deppman (University of São Paulo)   (Hall A)
Heavy quarks - Geoffrey Bodwin (Argonne National Laboratory) (until 15:40) (Hall H)
14:00 HQET renormalization group improved Lagrangian at $\mathcal{O}(1/m^3)$ with leading logarithmic accuracy - Mr Daniel Moreno (IFAE)   (Hall H)
14:20 Strong isospin breaking in the decay constants of heavy–light mesons from local-duality QCD sum rules - Dmitri Melikhov (HEPHY)   (Hall H)
14:40 Rare FCNC radiative leptonic B→ γl+l- decays in the standard model - Anastasiia Kozachuk (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU))   (Hall H)
15:00 |Vxb| determination: an updated theoretical prospective - Giulia Ricciardi (Univ. Napoli Federico II)   (Hall H)
15:20 Charm Decay at BESIII - Binlong Wang (UCAS)   (Hall H)
Deconfinement - Aleksi Vuorinen (University of Helsinki) (until 15:40) (Hall F)
14:00 Transition temperature and universal scaling in QCD at zero and non-zero baryon densities - Christian Schmidt (University of Bielefeld)   (Hall F)
14:30 Equation of state in 2 + 1 flavor QCD at high temperatures - Dr Johannes Heinrich Weber (Michigan State University)   (Hall F)
15:00 Towards a precise determination of the EoS of QCD to high-temperature - Dr Mattia Dalla Brida (Universita' & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))   (Hall F)
15:20 Quark-hadron duality at finite temperature : Local Correlators in the hadron resonance gas - Prof. Enrique Ruiz Arriola (Universidad de Granada)   (Hall F)
QCD and New Physics - Marco Gersabeck (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 15:40) (Hall B)
14:00 Long distance effects to rare kaon decays - Dr Antonin Portelli (The University of Edinburgh)   (Hall B)
14:20 Direct CP violation in $K^0\to\pi\pi$: Standard Model Status - Mr Hector Gisbert   (Hall B)
14:40 New results and prospects in kaon physics from the NA62 experiment - Evgueni Goudzovski (University of Birmingham)   (Hall B)
15:10 Reviewing hadronic uncertainties in rare semileptonic b decays - Dr Danny van Dyk (TU Munich)   (Hall B)
Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics - Andreas Schmitt (University of Southampton) (until 15:40) (Hall D)
14:00 Constraints from the GW170817 merger event on the nuclear matter EoS - Dr Fiorella Burgio (INFN Sezione di Catania)   (Hall D)
14:20 Merger of two compact stars within the two-families scenario - Alessandro Drago   (Hall D)
14:40 Was GW170817 not a merger of two neutron stars? - Prof. David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw & JINR Dubna)   (Hall D)
15:00 Using gravitational-wave data for neutron star binaries to constrain supra nuclear physics - Prof. Nils Andersson (University of Southampton)   (Hall D)
15:20 Neutron Star Mergers Chirp About Vacuum Energy - John Terning (UC Davis)   (Hall D)
Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century - Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)) (until 15:40) (Hall C)
14:00 Introduction and Goals of The Session - Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (Hall C)
14:20 Bayesian unfolding of charged particle $p_{\mathrm{T}} $ spectra with ALICE at the LHC - Mario Kruger (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))   (Hall C)
14:40 Pseudosignificances as figures of merit: a systematic study and Bayesian solutions - Dr Pietro Vischia (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))   (Hall C)
15:10 The Bayesian Interpretation of Deep Neural Networks: What Is It Good For? - Prof. Harrison Prosper (Florida State University)   (Hall C)
15:40 --- Coffee ---
Vacuum structure and confinement - Dmitry Antonov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI)) (until 17:40) (Hall E)
16:00 Conformal Perturbation description of Deconfinement. - Michele Caselle (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Hall E)
16:30 Dynamics and flavor symmetry realizations in chiral QCD - Kenichi Konishi (University of Pisa, INFN, Pisa)   (Hall E)
17:00 Discrete anomaly matching and high-T âcenter vorticesâ in QCD(adj) - Prof. Erich Poppitz (University of Toronto)   (Hall E)
Light quarks - Liping Gan (Univerisity of North Carolina Wilmington) (until 17:40) (Hall A)
16:00 Recent COMPASS results on the transverse extension of partons inside the proton and plans for a new measurement of the proton radius with muons - Eva-Maria Kabuss (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat)   (Hall A)
16:30 Hadron spectroscopy with photons at CLAS and CLAS12 - Dr Alessandra Filippi (INFN Torino)   (Hall A)
17:00 A look at hadronization via high multiplicity - Prof. Elena Kokoulina (JINR)   (Hall A)
17:20 Recent experimental results from the SND detector - Dr Aleksandr Korol (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   (Hall A)
Heavy quarks - Antonio Vairo (until 17:40) (Hall H)
16:00 $\Omega_c$ excited states with heavy-quark spin symmetry - Dr Laura Tolos (University of Frankfurt)   (Hall H)
16:20 Charmed baryon spectrum in Lattice QCD — a work in progress - Dr K. Utku Can (RIKEN)   (Hall H)
16:40 First determination of $D^{*}$-meson fragmentation functions and their uncertainties at next-to-next-to-leading order - Dr Hamzeh Khanpour (University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran & Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), IRAN)   (Hall H)
17:00 Strong Decay Analysis of Strange Charm Mesons - Dr alka upadhyay (thapar university) Ms Pallavi Gupta (Thapar University, Patiala)   (Hall H)
17:20 empty   (Hall H)
Deconfinement - Aleksi Vuorinen (University of Helsinki) (until 17:40) (Hall F)
16:00 Do we produce quark-gluon plasma in all hadronic colliding systems? - Dr Maxime Guilbaud (CERN)   (Hall F)
16:30 Matching the non-equilibrium initial stage of heavy ion collisions to hydrodynamics with QCD kinetic theory - Aleksas Mazeliauskas (Universität Heidelberg)   (Hall F)
17:00 Analytical generalization of 3+1 dimensional self-similar and Gubser flows to relativistic magnetohydrodynamics - Mr Masoud Shokri (Sharif University of Technology)   (Hall F)
17:20 Relativistic fluid dynamics of spin-polarized systems of particles - Dr Radoslaw Ryblewski (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)   (Hall F)
QCD and New Physics - Marco Gersabeck (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 17:40) (Hall B)
16:00 B decays anomalies at LHCb - Arantza Oyanguren Campos (IFIC - Valencia)   (Hall B)
16:30 Progress on the nucleon EDM in lattice QCD - Prof. Sergey Syritsyn (Stony Brook University)   (Hall B)
17:00 Towards a new measurement of the neutron electric dipole moment at the Paul Scherrer Institute - Dr Stephanie Roccia (CSNSM - Universite Paris Sud)   (Hall B)
17:20 CP violation in QCD - Dr Michael Creutz (Brookhaven Lab)   (Hall B)
Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics - David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw) (until 17:40) (Hall D)
16:00 Building Synthetic Skies for Future Sky Surveys - Dr Eve Kovacs (Argonne National Laboratory)   (Hall D)
16:20 Transport and dissipation in neutron star mergers - Mark Alford (Washington University, St Louis)   (Hall D)
16:40 Transport coefficients of leptons in superconducting neutron star cores - Petr Shternin   (Hall D)
17:00 Transport in Dense Nuclear Matter - Stephan Stetina   (Hall D)
17:20 Strange Quarks in Compact Stars - Prof. Thomas Klaehn (California State University, Long Beach)   (Hall D)
Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century - Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)) (until 17:40) (Hall C)
16:00 Statistics and data analysis for neutrino experiments - Luca Stanco (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (Hall C)
16:30 New Machine Learning Tools in ROOT/TMVA - Dr Lorenzo Moneta (CERN)   (Hall C)
17:00 Determination of the quark-gluon string parameters from the data on pp, pA and AA collisions at wide energy range using Bayesian Gaussian Process Optimization - Dr Vladimir Kovalenko (St Petersburg State University)   (Hall C)
17:20 Continuous signal modelling in a multidimensional space of coupling parameters - Lydia Brenner (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Hall C)
19:30 --- Public lecture by Manjit Dosanjh (CERN): Ions for Cancer Therapy ---
Round table - Antonio Pich (University of Valencia) (until 13:00) (JH1)
12:00 Determining the strong coupling: status and challenges - Antonio Vairo Antonio Pich (Unknown) Rainer Paul Sommer (DESY) Juan Rojo (VU Amsterdam and Nikhef)   (JH1)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Vacuum structure and confinement - Jeff Greensite (San Francisco State University) (until 16:00) (Hall E)
14:00 The density of state approach to the sign problem - Biagio Lucini (Swansea University)   (Hall E)
14:30 Baryonic and quarkyonic matter - Prof. Owe Philipsen (Goethe University Frankfurt)   (Hall E)
15:00 Z3 gauge theory with matter at finite densities - Prof. Kurt Langfeld (University of Liverpool)   (Hall E)
15:30 Non-abelian Higgs theory in a strong magnetic field and confinement - Hideo Suganuma (Kyoto University)   (Hall E)
Light quarks - Enrique Ruiz Arriola (Universidad de Granada) (until 16:00) (Hall A)
14:30 Baryon masses and $\sigma$ terms in $\rm SU(3)$ $\rm BChPT \times 1/N_c$ - Dr Ishara Fernando (Hampton University)   (Hall A)
15:00 Pseudoscalar pole contribution to the hadronic light-by-light piece of $a_\mu$ - Adolfo Guevara (Madrid University)   (Hall A)
15:20 Radiative corrections in Dalitz decays of $\pi^0$, $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime$ mesons - Dr Tomáš Husek (IFIC, Universitat de València-CSIC (ES))   (Hall A)
Heavy quarks - Antonio Vairo (until 16:00) (Hall H)
14:00 Exotic and Conventional Quarkonium Physics Prospects at Belle II - Roberto Mussa (INFN Torino)   (Hall H)
14:20 Searching for beauty-fully bound tetraquarks using lattice Non-relativistic QCD - Ciaran Hughes   (Hall H)
14:40 The NNNLO spectrum: Bc, bottomonium and charmonium - Clara Peset Martin (Technical University of Munich (TUM))   (Hall H)
15:00 Heavy Quarkonium with next-to-next-to-next-to leading logarithmic accuaracy - Antonio Pineda (UAB & IFAE)   (Hall H)
15:20 Higher-order condensate corrections to bottomonium observables - Dr Thomas Rauh (IPPP Durham)   (Hall H)
15:40 Cornell Model calibration with NRQCD at N3LO - Dr Pablo Garcia Ortega (University of Salamanca)   (Hall H)
Deconfinement -Prof. Edmond Iancu (IPhT) (until 16:00) (Hall F)
14:00 Gluon saturation from transverse-momentum dependent distributions at small x in the Color Glass Condensate - Elena Petreska (Nikhef/VU Amsterdam)   (Hall F)
14:30 Forward particle production in proton-nucleus collisions at next-to-leading order - Bertrand Ducloue (IPhT Saclay)   (Hall F)
15:00 Entanglement entropy and high energy scattering - Alexander Kovner (University of Connecticut)   (Hall F)
15:30 Understanding the dynamics of field theories far from equilibrium - Kirill Boguslavski (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))   (Hall F)
QCD and New Physics - Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada (until 16:00) (Hall B)
14:00 The quark/gluon structure of the proton in the high-precision LHC era - Dr Juan Rojo (VU Amsterdam and Nikhef)   (Hall B)
14:30 Correlations functions of QCD from the functional renormalization group - Mario Mitter (Univ. Heidelberg)   (Hall B)
15:00 Chiral effective field theory for few- and many-nucleon systems - Evgeny Epelbaum (Ruhr-University Bochum)   (Hall B)
15:30 Lattice QCD inputs for neutrino-nucleon and neutrino-nucleus interactions - Phiala Shanahan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (Hall B)
Strongly Coupled Theories - Domenec Espriu Climent (University of Barcelona (ES)) (until 16:00) (Hall D)
14:00 The emergent light BSM scalar as 0++ sigma-particle or dilaton - Prof. Julius Kuti (University of California, San Diego)   (Hall D)
14:30 Chiral Perturbation Theory with an Isosinglet Scalar - Martin Hansen (CP3-Origins, University of Southern Denmark)   (Hall D)
15:00 Linear Sigma EFT for Nearly Conformal Gauge Theories - James Ingoldby (Yale University)   (Hall D)
15:30 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in the U(2) Planar Thirring Model? - Prof. Simon Hands (Swansea University)   (Hall D)
Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century - Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)) (until 16:00) (Hall C)
14:00 Managing Many Simultaneous Systematic Uncertainties - Luca Lista (INFN Sezione di Napoli)   (Hall C)
14:30 Confidence intervals for linear combinations of Poisson observations - Prof. Matorras Francisco (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Spain)   (Hall C)
15:00 Machine learning for hypothesis testing in HEP - Markus Stoye (Imperial College (GB))   (Hall C)
15:30 Neural networks and machine learning tools for global PDF analyses - Juan Rojo (VU Amsterdam and Nikhef)   (Hall C)
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Vacuum structure and confinement - Dmitry Antonov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI)) (until 18:20) (Hall E)
16:30 Composite operator and condensate in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory with U(N-1) stability group - Mr Matthias Warschinke (Chiba University)   (Hall E)
16:50 Localisation, chiral symmetry and confinement in QCD and related theories - Matteo Giordano (Eotvos University)   (Hall E)
17:20 Spectrum of the open QCD flux tube and its effective string description - Dr Bastian Brandt (Goethe University Frankfurt)   (Hall E)
17:50 Structure of hybrid static potential flux tubes in Lattice Yang-Mills-theory - Lasse Müller (ITP, Universität Frankfurt)   (Hall E)
Light quarks - Wolfgang Lucha (Austrian Academy of Sciences) (until 18:20) (Hall A)
16:20 On the rare CP conserving $K \to \pi l^+ l^-$ decays - Dr Marc Knecht (CPT/CNRS)   (Hall A)
16:50 Lattice calculation of QED corrections to hadronic decay rates - Prof. Martinelli Guido (Physics Department and INFN Sezione di Roma La Sapienza)   (Hall A)
17:20 Quark masses from lattice QCD - Alberto Ramos Martinez (Trinity College Dublin (IE))   (Hall A)
17:50 The Primakoff Experimental Program at JLab - Prof. Liping Gan (University of North Carolina Wilmington)   (Hall A)
Heavy quarks - Thomas Mehen (Duke University) (until 18:20) (Hall H)
16:20 Charm Quark Mass with Calibrated Uncertainty - Dr Pere Masjuan Queralt (IFEA Barcelona)   (Hall H)
16:40 Near threshold exotic hadrons with two heavy quarks - Thomas Cohen (University of Maryland)   (Hall H)
17:00 Charmonium resonances from 2+1 flavor CLS lattices - Daniel Mohler (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz)   (Hall H)
17:20 Radially excited $\psi$ mesons and the $Y$ enhancements - Dr Susana Coito (Jan Kochanowski University)   (Hall H)
Deconfinement -Prof. Edmond Iancu (IPhT) (until 18:20) (Hall F)
16:20 Recent highlights of the LHC program on jets in heavy ion collisions - Prof. Yen-Jie Lee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (Hall F)
16:50 Toward a unified description of jet and medium scales in heavy-ion collisions - Konrad Tywoniuk (CERN)   (Hall F)
17:20 Vacuumlike Jet Fragmentation in a Dense QCD Medium - Mr Paul Caucal (IPhT)   (Hall F)
17:50 Spectral and transport properties from Lattice QCD - Dr Olaf Kaczmarek (University of Bielefeld)   (Hall F)
QCD and New Physics - William Detmold (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (until 18:20) (Hall B)
16:20 Recent results from CRESST-III and brief summary of other dark matter direct detection experiments - Jochen Schieck (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Hall B)
16:50 Generalized spin-independent WIMP-nucleus scattering from chiral effective field theory - Philipp Klos (Technische Universität Darmstadt)   (Hall B)
17:20 Parity-Violating and Parity-Conserving Asymmetries in ep and eN Scattering in the Qweak Experiment - Wouter Deconinck   (Hall B)
17:50 First Observation of the Parity-Violating Asymmetry in Polarized Cold Neutron Capture on Hydrogen - Michael Gericke (University of Manitoba)   (Hall B)
Strongly Coupled Theories - Domenec Espriu Climent (University of Barcelona (ES)) (until 18:20) (Hall D)
16:20 Holographic Phase Transition in Soft Walls: Gravitational Waves and Collider Signatures - Dr Eugenio Megias (University of Granada)   (Hall D)
16:40 Novel approach to holographic composite Higgs models - Alisa Katanaeva (University of Barcelona)   (Hall D)
17:00 Collider phenomenology of vector resonances in WZ scattering processes - Dr Rafael Delgado (Technische Universität München)   (Hall D)
17:20 Empty   (Hall D)
Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century - Sergei Gleyzer (University of Florida (US)) (until 18:20) (Hall C)
16:20 Using Machine Learning methods for improving data quality in the ALICE experiment - Lukasz Kamil Graczykowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Hall C)
16:40 Recent developments in deep-leaning applied to open physics data - Giles Chatham Strong (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)   (Hall C)
17:00 Model independent searches for new physics via parametric anomaly detection - Mr Grzegorz Kotkowski (University of Padova)   (Hall C)
17:20 Unfolding: Point Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification and Future Directions - Dr Mikael Kuusela (Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (US), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (US), Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI), Carnegie Mellon University (US))   (Hall C)
17:50 Big Data Software in High Energy Physics - Jim Pivarski (Princeton University)   (Hall C)
19:00 --- Banquet ---
Round table - Paolo Di Vecchia (Nordita, Stockholm +N. Bohr Inst. Copenhagen) (until 13:00) (JH1)
12:00 Axion physics: status, prospects and challenges - Guido Martinelli (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) Axel Lindner (DESY) Paolo Di Vecchia (Nordita, Stockholm +N. Bohr Inst. Copenhagen) Massimiliano Lattanzi (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Maurizio Gianotti   (JH1)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Vacuum structure and confinement - Jeff Greensite (San Francisco State University) (until 15:40) (Hall E)
14:00 Hamiltonian approach to QCD in Coulomb gauge at finite temperatures - Hugo Reinhardt (Universität Tübingen)   (Hall E)
14:30 Color Confinement, Hadron Dynamics, and Hadron Spectroscopy from Light-Front Holography and Superconformal Algebra - Prof. Stanley J. Brodsky (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanfird University)   (Hall E)
15:00 Ghost Sector in Minimal Linear Covariant Gauge - Attilio Cucchieri (University of São Paulo)   (Hall E)
15:20 Confinement, infrared screening of the QCD vacuum density and small cosmological constant - Roman Pasechnik (Lund university)   (Hall E)
Light quarks - Hagop Sazdjian (University Paris-Sud) (until 15:40) (Hall A)
14:00 Light-Quark Resonances at COMPASS - Stefan Wallner (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))   (Hall A)
14:30 Meson resonances in QCD - Jozef Dudek   (Hall A)
15:00 Dynamical spin effects in the pseudoscalar meson octet within holographic light-front QCD - Dr Ruben Sandapen (Acadia University)   (Hall A)
15:20 Quark-gluon vertex and flavour-dependence of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking - Fernando Serna (IFT-UNEPS)   (Hall A)
Heavy quarks - Yan-Qing Ma (PKU) (until 15:40) (Hall H)
14:00 XYZ States at BESIII - Leonard Koch (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)   (Hall H)
14:20 The mixing of hybrids with quarkonia - Joan Soto (Universitat de Barcelona)   (Hall H)
14:40 ¯b ¯bud tetraquark resonances in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation using lattice QCD potentials - Martin Pflaumer (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)   (Hall H)
15:00 On the existence of heavy-light tetraquarks - Prof. Nilmani Mathur (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)   (Hall H)
15:20 The Born-Oppenheimer approximation in an effective field theory framework - Gastao Krein (UNESP)   (Hall H)
Deconfinement - Peter Petreczky (BNL) (until 15:40) (Hall F)
14:00 Azimuthal momentum anisotropies in proton-proton collisions and other small systems - Bjoern Schenke (Brookhaven National Lab)   (Hall F)
14:30 Nonequilibrium viscous correction to the phase space density and bulk viscosity in the relaxation time approximation - Alina Czajka (McGill University/Jan Kochanowski University)   (Hall F)
15:00 Temperature dependence of $\eta/s$: uncertainties from the equation of state - Jussi Auvinen (Institute of Physics Belgrade)   (Hall F)
15:20 Wigner function approach to polarization-vorticity coupling and hydrodynamics with spin - Avdhesh Kumar   (Hall F)
QCD and New Physics - Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada (until 15:40) (Hall B)
14:00 The g-2 Experiment at Fermilab. - Dr Barry King (University of Liverpool)   (Hall B)
14:30 Hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment - Massimiliano Procura (University of Vienna (AT))   (Hall B)
15:00 Standard Model Effective Field Theory and Lepton Flavour Violation - Giovanni Marco Pruna   (Hall B)
15:20 Study of the e+e- -> hadrons reactions with the CMD-3 detector at the VEPP-2000 collider - Dr Peter Lukin (BINP & NSU)   (Hall B)
Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics - Thomas Cohen (University of Maryland) (until 15:40) (Hall D)
14:00 New view of melting nuclear matter into quark matter - Kenji Fukushima (The University of Tokyo)   (Hall D)
14:20 Influence of quark masses and strangeness degrees of freedom on inhomogeneous chiral phases - Michael Buballa (TU Darmstadt)   (Hall D)
14:40 Color superconductivity and charge neutrality - Andreas Windisch (Washington University in St Louis)   (Hall D)
15:00 Symmetry breaking patterns in dense QCD - Marc Leonhardt (Technische Universität Darmstadt)   (Hall D)
15:20 Pion condensation and the QCD phase diagram at finite isospin density - Prof. Jens Oluf Andersen (NYNU)   (Hall D)
Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century - Sergei Gleyzer (University of Florida (US)) (until 15:40) (Hall C)
14:00 Networked data-science for research, academic communities and beyond - Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (Hall C)
14:30 Direct Learning of Systematics-Aware Summary Statistics - Pablo De Castro Manzano (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (Hall C)
15:00 Fisher information metrics for binary classifier evaluation and training - Andrea Valassi (CERN)   (Hall C)
15:40 --- Coffee ---
Vacuum structure and confinement - Dmitry Antonov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI)) (until 17:40) (Hall E)
16:00 Field-Strength Descriptions for a Confined System of SU(2) Charges - Prof. Dennis Sivers (Portland Physics Institute)   (Hall E)
16:20 Application of new anomaly to QCD vacua - Dr Yuya Tanizaki (RIKEN BNL)   (Hall E)
16:40 Empty   (Hall E)
Focus Subsection - Parallel - Vladimir Shevchenko (National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute (RU)) (until 17:50) (Hall D)
16:00 Confinement and asymptotic freedom with Cooper pairs - Dr Maria Cristina Diamantini (University of Perugia)   (Hall D)
16:20 Interacting Topological Insulators with Synthetic Dimensions - Dr Cenke Xu (UCSB)   (Hall D)
16:50 Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of topological an anomalous effects from chiral kinetic theory - Niklas Mueller (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Hall D)
17:20 Competing Order in the Hexagonal Hubbard Model - Prof. Lorenz von Smekal (Justus-Liebig University Giessen)   (Hall D)
Light quarks - Jose Luis Goity (Hampton University/Jefferson Lab) (until 18:00) (Hall A)
16:00 Hyperons: Production systematics, form factors, and diquark correlations - Kamal Seth (Northwestern University)   (Hall A)
16:30 Studying the structure of few-hadron states - Raul Briceno (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facillity)   (Hall A)
17:00 Exotic states and their properties in large-Nc QCD - Dmitri Melikhov (HEPHY)   (Hall A)
17:20 Analysis of the $b_1$ meson decay in local tensor bilinear representation - Dr Kie Sang Jeong (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics)   (Hall A)
17:40 Review of phenomenological analyses of \eta \pi resonances measured at the COMPASS experiment activities and recent results - Arkaitz Rodas Bilbao (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)   (Hall A)
Heavy quarks - Joan Soto (Universitat de Barcelona) (until 17:40) (Hall H)
16:00 A quark model description of X(4260) - Prof. pedro gonzalez (Universitat de Valencia (Spain))   (Hall H)
16:20 Patterns in pion-exchange - Timothy Burns   (Hall H)
16:40 Pentaquark and hybrid states - Elena Santopinto (INFN)   (Hall H)
17:00 On the origin of Y(4260) and the J^{PC}=1^{--} exotic mesons - Dr Sachiko Takeuchi (Japan College of Social Work)   (Hall H)
17:20 Isospin violations at BESIII - Dr Hongrong Qi (Beihang University)   (Hall H)
Deconfinement - Peter Petreczky (BNL) (until 17:50) (Hall F)
16:00 Hadron gas with repulsive mean field - Pasi Huovinen (University of Wroclaw)   (Hall F)
16:30 S-matrix approach to hadron gas - Dr Pok Man Lo (University of Wroclaw)   (Hall F)
17:00 Chiral and $U(1)_A$ restoration: Ward Identities and effective theories - Prof. Angel Gomez Nicola (Universidad Complutense Madrid)   (Hall F)
17:20 Towards the NNNLO pressure of cold and dense QCD - Matias Säppi (University of Helsinki)   (Hall F)
QCD and New Physics - Massimiliano Procura (University of Vienna (AT)) (until 17:40) (Hall B)
16:00 The Lund Jet Plane - Frederic Alexandre Dreyer (MIT)   (Hall B)
16:30 Searching for new physics with jet substructure - Steven Schramm (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Hall B)
17:00 A Model for Soft and Hard Interactions based on the CGC/Saturation Approach - Prof. Errol Gotsman (Tel Aviv University)   (Hall B)
17:20 One-loop lattice study of composite bilinear operators in Supersymmetric QCD - Dr Marios Costa (University of Cyprus)   (Hall B)
Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century - Sergei Gleyzer (University of Florida (US)) (until 17:40) (Hall C)
16:00 20+ Years of CL_s - Alexander Lincoln Read (University of Oslo (NO))   (Hall C)
16:30 Statistics in Particle Physics: Ideals vs Reality - Matthias Ulrich Mozer (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (Hall C)
17:00 Estimation of global statistical significance of a new signal within the GooFit framework on GPUs - Mr Adriano Di Florio (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))   (Hall C)
17:20 Summary and closing of section H - Dr Sergei Gleyzer (University of Florida (US))   (Hall C)
Poster (until 20:00) ()
18:00 On the quark-gluon vertex at nonvanishing temperature - Romain Contant (University of Graz)   ()
18:01 Charge correlations and strongly intensive fluctuations in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions in the string model - Dr Vladimir Kovalenko (St Petersburg State University)   ()
18:02 On the order of the thermal transition in QCD as function of the number of quark flavours and their masses - Francesca Cuteri (J. W. Goethe Universität)   ()
18:03 High Precision Statistical Landau Gauge Lattice Gluon Propagator Computation - Paulo Silva (Center for Physics, University of Coimbra)   ()
18:04 How to find the glueball among the f0s with the QCD counting rules - Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada (Univ. Complutense de Madrid)   ()
18:05 The proper-time evolution of the magnetic susceptibility in a magnetized quark-gluon plasma - Mr S.M.Ali Tabatabaee (Sharif University of Technology)   ()
18:06 Phase Transition, Critical Point and Random Fluctuation Walk - Prof. Gennady Kozlov (JINR)   ()
18:07 The electromagnetic respond of quark gluon plasma in asymmetry heavy ion collisions - Dr Ahmad Farzaneh Kord (Hakim Sabzevari University)   ()
18:09 Energy-dependent hotspots model via vector meson photoproduction - Dr Michal Krelina (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)   ()
18:10 Anomalous transport, massive gravity theories and holographic momentum relaxation - Dr Eugenio Megias (University of Granada)   ()
18:11 Direct Learning of Systematics-Aware Summary Statistics - Pablo De Castro Manzano (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   ()
18:12 Type of dual superconductivity for SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills theories - Akihiro Shibata (KEK)   ()
18:13 Black Hole Thermodynamics from D0 Brane Quantum Mechanics - Evan Berkowitz   ()
18:14 Evolution of higher moments of multiplicity distribution - Radka Sochorová (FNSPE, Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic)   ()
18:15 Hadronic Paschen-Back effect: P-wave charmonia under strong magnetic fields - Sachio Iwasaki   ()
18:16 Non-equilibrium generalizations of Large-$N_c$ volume independence - Axel Cortés Cubero   ()
18:18 QCD at nonzero isospin asymmetry - Bastian Brandt (Goethe University Frankfurt)   ()
18:19 Temperature dependence of SU(3)-gluodynamics bulk and shear viscosities within lattice simulation - Nikita Astrakhantsev   ()
18:20 Open-Flavour Mesons from the Angle of Bethe, Dyson, Salpeter, Schwinger, et al. - Wolfgang Lucha (Austrian Academy of Sciences)   ()
18:21 Bethe–Salpeter-Motivated Modelling of Pseudo-Goldstone Pseudoscalar Mesons - Wolfgang Lucha (Austrian Academy of Sciences)   ()
18:22 Color screening in 2+1 flavor QCD - Mr Sebastian Steinbeißer (Technische Universität München)   ()
18:23 The role of the thermal f0(500) or sigma in chiral symmetry restoration - Ms Andrea Vioque-Rodríguez (Universidad Complutense Madrid)   ()
18:26 Monopole Dominance of Confinement in SU(3) Lattice QCD - Hideo Suganuma (Kyoto University)   ()
18:27 Spectral properties of light and charm mesons from Nf=2+1 anisotropic lattice QCD - Ryan Quinn (Maynooth University)   ()
18:28 Spatial distribution of colour fields in the $SU(3)$ flux tube - Francesca Cuteri (J. W. Goethe Universität)   ()
13:00 --- Excursion ---
12:50 --- Lunch ---
Vacuum structure and confinement - Manfried Faber (Vienna University of Technology) (until 16:00) (Hall E)
14:00 4d ensembles of percolating center vortices and chains - Prof. Luis E. Oxman (Fluminense Federal University)   (Hall E)
14:20 Knot solitons in an effective model of the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory - Mr Yuki Amari (Tokyo University of Science)   (Hall E)
14:40 The static quark potential in Maximal Abelian gauge with perturbation theory - Matthias Berwein (RIKEN)   (Hall E)
15:00 Correct way to extract the dominant part of the Wilson loop in higher representations - Mr Ryutaro Matsudo (Chiba University)   (Hall E)
15:20 Confinement/deconfinement phase transition in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory and non-Abelian dual Meissner effect.   (Hall E)
15:40 Mass-deformed Yang-Mills theory in the covariant gauge and its gauge-invariant extension through the gauge-independent BEH mechanism - Kei-Ichi Kondo (Chiba University)   (Hall E)
Light quarks - Jozef Dudek (until 16:00) (Hall A)
14:00 Nucleon matrix elements from lattice QCD - Sara Collins (University of Regensburg)   (Hall A)
14:30 Euclidean versus Minkowski short distance - Prof. Giancarlo Rossi (University of Roma Tor Vergata)   (Hall A)
15:00 Structure of pion and kaon from lattice QCD - Dr Bipasha Chakraborty (Jefferson Lab)   (Hall A)
15:30 Perturbative investigation of ''Wilson-line"-type operators in Parton Physics - Mr Gregoris Spanoudes (University of Cyprus)   (Hall A)
Heavy quarks - Joan Soto (Universitat de Barcelona) (until 16:00) (Hall H)
14:00 Quarkonium cross sections, polarizations and spectroscopy in pp collisions with CMS - Mariana Araujo (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)   (Hall H)
14:30 Analysis of LHC quarkonium production data - Carlos Lourenco (CERN)   (Hall H)
15:00 Soft gluon factorization for quarkonium production - Yan-Qing Ma (PKU)   (Hall H)
15:20 Making Sense of Divergent Series: Resummation of Logarithms in the Nonrelativistic Expansions of Light-Cone Amplitudes - Dr Geoffrey Bodwin (Argonne National Laboratory)   (Hall H)
15:40 EFT determination of the hybrid spin potential - Wai Kin Lai (TUM)   (Hall H)
Deconfinement - Yiota Foka (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE)) (until 16:00) (Hall F)
14:00 In-medium heavy quarkonium from lattice NRQCD - Prof. Alexander Rothkopf (University of Stavanger)   (Hall F)
14:30 Loop functions in thermal QCD - Antonio Vairo   (Hall F)
15:00 On nonequilibrium quarkonium evolution in the QGP fireball - Yan Zhu (University of Jyvaskyla)   (Hall F)
15:20 $J/\psi$ production in pp and nucleus-nucleus collisions measured with ALICE - Mr Raul Tonatiuh Jimenez Bustamante (GSI, Heidelberg University)   (Hall F)
15:40 Low-mass dielectron measurements in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC - Oton Vazquez Doce (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))   (Hall F)
Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics - Thomas Cohen (University of Maryland) (until 16:00) (Hall D)
14:00 Dense matter in strong magnetic fields without nucleons - Tomas Brauner (University of Stavanger)   (Hall D)
14:20 Chiral symmetry restoration by parity doubling and the structure of neutron stars - Michał Marczenko (University of Wrocław)   (Hall D)
14:40 Color-magnetic flux tubes in dense quark matter - Andreas Schmitt (University of Southampton)   (Hall D)
15:00 QCD-like theories in strong magnetic fields - Helena Kolešová (University of Stavanger)   (Hall D)
Strongly Coupled Theories -Prof. Julius Kuti (University of California, San Diego) (until 16:00) (Hall B)
14:00 A lattice study of minimal composite dark matter - Randy Lewis (York University)   (Hall B)
14:30 Infrared Behavior of SU(2) gauge theory - Mr Viljami Leino (University of Helsinki)   (Hall B)
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Vacuum structure and confinement - Jeff Greensite (San Francisco State University) (until 18:30) (Hall E)
16:30 On the analytic structure of QCD propagators - Dr Peter Lowdon (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory )   (Hall E)
16:50 BRST invariant d=2 condensates in Gribov-Zwanziger theory - Caroline Felix   (Hall E)
17:10 Variational and Dyson-Schwinger Equations of QCD - Davide Campagnari (Universität Tübingen)   (Hall E)
17:30 Thermodynamics and non-Gaussian Measures in the Covariant Variational Approach to Yang-Mills Theory - Markus Quandt (Universität Tübingen)   (Hall E)
17:50 Lattice QCD2 effective action with Bogoliubov transformations - Mr Mauro Pastore (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Hall E)
18:10 Nonperturbative quark-gluon thermodynamics at finite density. - Maxim Andreichikov (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physcis, Moscow)   (Hall E)
Light quarks - Raul Briceno (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facillity) (until 18:30) (Hall A)
16:30 Meson spectroscopy and scattering from lattice QCD - Christopher Thomas (University of Cambridge)   (Hall A)
16:50 Quark-photon vertex from lattice QCD in Landau gauge - Dr Andre Sternbeck (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)   (Hall A)
17:10 Disconnected contributions to the hadronic part of the muon anomalous magnetic moment - Dr Craig McNeile (Plymouth University)   (Hall A)
17:30 Solving numericaly the JIMWLK equation - Dr Piotr Korcyl (Jagiellonian University)   (Hall A)
17:50 Recent results of the NA61/SHINE experiment - spectra and study of the onset of deconfinement - Szymon Mateusz Pulawski (University of Silesia (PL))   (Hall A)
Heavy quarks - Geoffrey Bodwin (Argonne National Laboratory) (until 18:30) (Hall H)
16:30 Charmonium(like) and open charm production at Belle - Sookyung Choi (Gyeongsang N University)   (Hall H)
16:50 CANCELLED - Mass shift of charmonium states in $\bar p A$ collision - Gyorgy Wolf (Wigner FK)   (Hall H)
17:10 Tests of NRQCD with quarkonium production in jets at the LHC - Dr Thomas Mehen (Duke University)   (Hall H)
17:30 Precision spectroscopy of charmonium-like (exotic) XYZ states at PANDA/FAIR - Frank Nerling (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   (Hall H)
17:50 Quarkonium and doubled charmed baryon production at LHCb - Ronan Mcnulty (University College Dublin (IE))   (Hall H)
QCD and New Physics - Evgeny Epelbaum (Ruhr-University Bochum) (until 18:30) (Hall B)
16:30 Spectroscopy of muonic atoms - Aldo Antognini (Paul Scherrer Institute)   (Hall B)
17:00 Baryon Matrix Elements for New Physics Searches - Prof. Susan Gardner (University of Kentucky)   (Hall B)
17:30 Nuclear structure aspects of nuclear matrix elements in neutrinoless double-beta decay - Dr Tomás R. Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)   (Hall B)
18:00 Experimental challenges in neutrinoless double beta decay search - Andrea Giachero (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))   (Hall B)
Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics - Johann Marton (until 18:30) (Hall D)
16:30 Towards understanding the $\phi$ meson in nuclear matter with finite momentum - Dr Philipp Gubler (JAEA)   (Hall D)
16:50 Low-energy kaons experiment at DAFNE Collider : SIDDHARTA experiment - Dr Diana Sirghi (INFN-LNF)   (Hall D)
17:10 Progress in Two-Nucleon Spectroscopy - Evan Berkowitz   (Hall D)
17:30 EFT calculations of P- and T-violating forces in light nuclei - Dr Andreas Wirzba (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)   (Hall D)
17:50 Stiff Equation of State of Neutron Matter from Thick Isovector Aura - Pawel Danielewicz   (Hall D)
Deconfinement - Yiota Foka (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE)) (until 18:30) (Hall F)
16:40 Recent results on strangeness production at the LHC with ALICE - Domenico Elia (INFN Bari)   (Hall F)
17:10 Study of deconfined quark matter at zero temperature and high density - Mr Aleksandr Nikolaev (Far Eastern Federal University)   (Hall F)
17:30 Sphaleron diffusion rate in lattice gluodynamics - Andrey Kotov   (Hall F)
17:50 Lattice Landau gauge quark propagator at finite temperature - Paulo Silva (Center for Physics, University of Coimbra)   (Hall F)
18:10 Thermal effective potential for the Polyakov loop to higher loop order - Hiromichi Nishimura (RIKEN BNL)   (Hall F)
Social event (until 20:00) (College Chapel)