July 31, 2018 to August 6, 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

Scientific Program

Confirmed plenary speakers

  • Andrei Alexandru (George Washington U) - "Deep learning beyond Lefschetz thimbles: real time dynamics and the sign problem"
  • Lily Asquith (Sussex) - "Advances in machine learning and applications to QCD"
  • Alexei Bazavov (Michigan State) - "Status of QCD at nonzero temperature"
  • Andrzej Buras (TU Munich) - "Dual QCD and Kaon Flavour Physics"
  • Maxim Chernodub (Tours) - "Nonperturbative Casimir Effects"
  • Hee Sok Chung (TU Munich) - "Review of quarkonium production: status and prospects"
  • Keith Dienes (Arizona) - "Dark matter from strongly coupled dark sectors"
  • Manjit Dosanjh (CERN) - public lecture "Ions for Cancer Therapy"
  • Stefan Flörchinger (Heidelberg) - "Quantum information and strongly interacting theories"
  • Yiota Foka (GSI) - "Review of experimental results from heavy-ion collisions"
  • Max Hansen (CERN) - "Status of the treatment of multihadron states: theory and applications"
  • André Hoang (Vienna) -"Determinations of αs from SCET"
  • Xiangdong Ji (Shanghai) - "Parton and quasi-parton distribution functions: EFT description and lattice"
  • Masakiyo Kitazawa (Osaka) - "Exploring non-abelian gauge theory with energy-momentum tensor; stress, thermodynamics and correlations"
  • Ayşe Kızılersü (Adelaide) = "Mike Pennington - an appreciation"
  • Bernd Kniehl (Hamburg) - "Atmospheric charm, QCD and neutrino astronomy"
  • Javad Komijani (Glasgow) - "Mass definition in QCD and mass extraction"
  • Jorge Martin Camalich (CERN) - "The shape of new physics in B-meson decays"
  • Ryan Mitchell (Indiana) - "Experimental Aspects of Heavy Quark Exotica"
  • Sven-Olaf Moch (Hamburg) - "αs from high-energy collider data"
  • Katharina Müller (Zurich) - "Recent QCD and electroweak results from LHC"
  • Amy Nicholson (North Carolina, Chapel Hill) - "Double beta decay, low energy hadron physics, neutron EDM: results from Lattice QCD"
  • Jan Pawlowski (Heidelberg) - "Applications of the functional renormalisation group"
  • Peter Petreczky (BNL) - "Determinations of αs from lattice and EFT"
  • Alberto Ramos (Trinity College Dublin) - "Lattice calculations of αs"
  • Luciano Rezzolla (Frankfurt) -"Consequences of neutron star mergers for constraining the QCD equation of state"
  • Alexander Rothkopf (Stavanger) - "Bayesian techniques and applications to QCD"
  • Franck Sabatie (CEA Saclay) - "GPDs and nucleon tomography"
  • Hagop Sazdjian (Orsay) - "Large N_c QCD and tetraquarks"
  • Igor Shovkovy (Arizona) - "Anomalous chiral matter: from QCD to condensed matter"
  • Iain Stewart (MIT) - "SCET and jets in QCD"
  • Kalman Szabo (Wuppertal) - "The mass of the QCD axion"
  • John Terning (UC Davis) -"SUSY and Confinement"

Roundtable discussions

What can neutron star and heavy ion physics learn from each other?

David Blaschke (chair), Mark Alford, Pawel Danielewicz, Thomas Klähn, Ingo Tews, Aleksi Vuorinen

Determining the strong coupling - status and challenges

Antonio Pich (chair), Juan Rojo, Rainer Sommer, Antonio Vairo

Axion physics: status, prospects and challenges

Paolo Di Vecchia (chair), Maurizio Gianotti, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Axel Lindner, Guido Martinelli