31 July 2018 to 6 August 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

Anomalous chiral matter: from QCD to condensed matter

4 Aug 2018, 11:00
JH1 (Maynooth University)


Maynooth University

Invited plenary talk Focus Subsection: Emergent Gauge Fields and Chiral Fermions Plenary


Igor Shovkovy (Arizona State University)


I will review anomalous properties of chiral forms of relativistic matter, which attracted a lot of attention recently in the context of heavy-ion physics and in studies of the Early Universe. In part, the recent interest to chiral matter is driven by the intriguing possibility of observing unusual chiral properties that stem directly from quantum anomalies. In addition, the same fundamental physics can be also relevant for a growing number of novel condensed matter materials, known as the Dirac and Weyl semimetals. The latter provide an excellent testbed for studying basic properties of chiral matter and, at the same time, hold a great potential for technological applications.


Igor Shovkovy (Arizona State University)

Presentation materials