31 July 2018 to 6 August 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

Confidence intervals for linear combinations of Poisson observations

2 Aug 2018, 14:30
Hall C (Arts Bldg.)

Hall C

Arts Bldg.

Talk H. Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century


Prof. Matorras Francisco (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Spain)


Different situations appearing in HEP involve the calculation of CI for linear combinations of observations that follow a Poisson distribution. Although apparently a simple problem, no precise methods exist unless asymptotic approximations can be assumed. We propose different alternatives beyond the error propagation of Gaussian errors and estimate their performance in some common examples.


Prof. Matorras Francisco (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Spain)

Presentation materials