31 July 2018 to 6 August 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

Hadron spectroscopy with photons at CLAS and CLAS12

1 Aug 2018, 16:30
Hall A (Arts Bldg.)

Hall A

Arts Bldg.

Invited talk B: Light quarks Light quarks


Dr Alessandra Filippi (INFN Torino)


Hadron spectroscopy is a well known powerful tool to study the properties of confinement and the nature of strong interactions. Electro- and photoproduction reactions were never extensively exploited in the past due to the lack of beams of sufficient intensity and momentum resolution. However, a new generation of experiments started recently their operations at Jefferson Lab, exploiting the unprecedented features of the new 12 GeV CEBAF electron machine, and will be soon provide new precise and abundant data on the production of light mesons and baryons (which could also exhibit "exotic" quantum numbers, that can in principle be excited more easily with a spin 1 probe).
A part of the scientific program of one of the main experiments operating at JLAB, CLAS12, is indeed dedicated to meson and baryon spectroscopy studies in reactions induced by photons with very low virtualities. CLAS12 extends the hadron spectroscopy program already initiated with the previous CLAS experiment, which was based on the study of reactions induced by real photons.
In this talk a description of the CLAS12 hadron spectroscopy program will be reported, together with a review of some selected results from CLAS and a discussion of future plans.


Dr Alessandra Filippi (INFN Torino)

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