31 July 2018 to 6 August 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

Sphaleron diffusion rate in lattice gluodynamics

5 Aug 2018, 17:30
Hall F (Arts Bldg.)

Hall F

Arts Bldg.

Talk D: Deconfinement Deconfinement


Andrey Kotov


QCD vacuum can be treated as a series of energetically equivalent, but topologically distinct sectors. The rate of transitions between various topological sectors is determined by the sphaleron diffusion rate $\Gamma_{CS}$. This quantity is given by the limits of zero frequency and zero momentum of the correlator of topological charge density. Sphaleron diffusion rate is very similar to such transport coefficients as viscosity or conductivity. Sphaleron diffusion rate also describes time relaxation of the chiral charge. In this report we discuss the measurement of sphaleron diffusion rate in lattice gluodynamics in the deconfinement phase. We use Gradient Flow to measure the topological charge density correlator, and we also take continuum limit. We provide an estimation of the sphaleron diffusion rate in lattice gluodynamics and compare it with results obtained by other methods.


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