31 July 2018 to 6 August 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

Thermal hadron production rate in confining gauge theories

Not scheduled
Hall D (Arts Bldg.)

Hall D

Arts Bldg.

Talk G: Strongly Coupled Theories Strongly Coupled Theories


Dr Kiminad Mamo (Stony Brook University)


We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to derive a formula which can be used, in confining gauage theories, to compute the production rate of hadrons from a quark-gluon plasma at freez-out temperature T_f. The formula is given in terms of the retarded Green's function of the corresponding hadronic current operator evaluated at freez-out temperature T_f, and reduces to the Cooper-Frye formula in the low-energy (low-p_T) or hydrodynamic limit. The formula is applicable both at weak and strong coupling regimes as long as one can compute the retarded Green's function of the corresponding hadronic current operator in those regimes. In addition to the low-energy (low-p_T) hadrons, it can also be used to compute the production rate of high-p_T hadrons or high-energy jets by computing the retarded Green's function of the corresponding hadronic current operator.


Dr Kiminad Mamo (Stony Brook University)

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