Quantum anomalies give rise to new transport phenomena. In particular a magnetic field can induce an anomalous current via the chiral magnetic effect [1] and a vortex in the relativistic fluid can also induce a current via the chiral vortical effect [2]. The related transport coefficients can be calculated via Kubo formulae [3,4,5]. These effects can be studied in holographic models with...
We analyze the pseudo-Goldstone-boson nature of the lightest pseudoscalar mesons within a framework residing somewhere in between the genuinely Poincaré-covariant Bethe–Salpeter approach to bound states (facing various inherent problems yet to be resolved) and the latter’s extreme instantaneous limit, represented by its three-dimensional reduction due to Salpeter. A promising tool to assess...
D0-brane QM is a 0+1D large-N supersymmetric gauged matrix quantum mechanics which is known to reduce to 10+1D supergravity in the low-temperature limit, and which has been proposed as a nonperturbative definition of M-theory. My poster will discuss the direct tests of gauge/gravity duality that can be made by studying the black hole internal energy with lattice calculations.
The fluctuations of the net electric charge of hadrons, produced in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, were proposed as one of the indicators of the formation of a quark-gluon plasma [1,2]. They also carry important information on the collective dynamical effects in AA collisions [3,4].
Experimentally, they are studied in terms of dynamical fluctuation parameter $\nu_{dyn}$ and the...
Following the work in Ref. http://inspirehep.net/record/1670613, we are investigating the Polyakov loop correlator, singlet and octet quark-antiquark correlators, diquark correlators, and screening masses in 2+1 flavor QCD. We are using the highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) action and several lattice spacings at a wide variety of temperatures.
We include more levels of HYP smearing as...
Complex machine learning tools, such as deep neural networks and gradient boosting algorithms, are increasingly being used to construct powerful discriminative features for High Energy Physics analyses. These methods are typically trained with simulated or auxiliary data samples by optimising some classification or regression surrogate objective. The learned feature representations are then...
We present a model for the QCD structure of hadrons as seen in the dipole picture. The model is based on hot spots -- regions of large gluonic density -- populating the impact parameter space. In our model, the number of hot spots grows with energy and their positions fluctuate event-by-event.
Using this model, we calculate coherent and incoherent photoproduction
of vector mesons off a proton...
The evolution of the multiplicity distribution can be described with the help of master equation.
At the beginning we look at 3rd and 4th factorial moments and their equilibrium values from which central moments and other ratios can be calculated.
Firstly, we study the master equation for the fixed temperature, because we want to know how fast different moments of the multiplicity...
QCD dynamics under a strong magnetic field is of great interest to the field of relativistic heavy-ion collisions and magnetars.
In this talk, I will discuss a new effect we recently found in Ref.[1], 'Hadronic Paschen-Back effect (HPBE)', which is analogous to the Paschen-Back effect observed in atomic physics.
This effect is induced by the interplay between a strong magnetic field and finite...
We report on results for the Landau gauge gluon propagator computed from large statistical ensembles and look at the compatibility of the results with the Gribov-Zwanziger tree level prediction for its refined and very refined versions. Our results show that the data is well described by the tree level estimate only up to momenta p ≲1 GeV, while clearly favoring the so-called Refined...
We propose a model-independent method to ascertain the leading valence composition of a hadron: to measure the energy dependence of its production cross section at a fixed angle interval. This E-dependence, by the QCD Brodsky-Farrar counting rules, falls at high energy with a steepness that depends on the leading quark and gluon composition.
We exemplify with a reaction that could help...
We accurately investigate monopole dominance of quark confinement for both quark-antiquark and three-quark systems in SU(3) quenched lattice QCD in the maximally Abelian gauge at beta=5.8 on 16^3*32 with 2000 gauge configurations. We find monopole dominance of the string tension for quark-antiquark and three-quark systems.
Confining gauge theories are known to exhibit large-$N_c$ volume independence, i.e., finite volume effects from compactifying any space-time dimension are suppressed by factors of $1/N_c^2$. Compactifying the temporal dimension, this implies thermal effects are also suppressed. This feature breaks down if a deconfined phase is reached beyond a critical compactification radius. We explore...
The extraction of the order of the thermal transition of QCD at zero chemical potential, with two dynamical flavours of massless quarks, has proven to be a formidably difficult task. A first order region is found in the chiral limit only on coarse lattices and employing unimproved fermion discretisations, but whether it survives in the continuum limit is yet far from being known.
The phase structure of QCD can be explored with functional methods.
The challenge is to devise and solve an appropriate truncation of the corresponding
equations. Here the application to theories similar to QCD but
without the sign problem of lattice methods (QCD-like theories) becomes
useful, as truncations can be tested by comparison to corresponding lattice
results also at nonvanishing...
In order to paint, within a common framework, a comprehensive picture of the description of mesons as quark–antiquark bound states by a Bethe–Salpeter formalism drawing on the outcomes of the Dyson–Schwinger equation for the quark propagator, we complement existing discussions of quarkonia (i.e., same-flavour quark–antiquark bound states) by a thorough investigation of open-flavour mesons...
The critical phenomena of strongly interacting matter are presented in the random fluctuation walk model at finite temperature. The phase transitions are considered in systems where the Critical Point (CP) is a distinct singular one existence of which is dictated by the dynamics of conformal symmetry breaking.
The physical approach to the effective CP is predicted through the influence...
We study the phase diagram and the thermodynamic properties of QCD at nonzero isospin asymmetry at physical quark masses with staggered quarks. In particular, continuum results for the phase boundary between the normal and the pion condensation phases and the chiral/deconfinement transition are presented. Our findings indicate that no pion condensation takes place above T≈160 MeV and also...
We present results for our measurements of the chromoelectric and chromomagnetic fields produced by a static quark-antiquark pair in $SU(3)$ Yang-Mills theory at zero temperature. We propose a method for the extraction of the nonperturbative confining part of the longitudinal chromoelectric field and discuss properties of its spatial structure.
We compute temporal correlators and spectral functions for light, open
charm and charmonium mesons in the pseudoscalar and vector channel for
a range of temperatures below and above the deconfinement transition.
The study is carried out using anisotropic lattice QCD with 2+1
dynamical flavours, a_s=0.123fm and a_s/a_t=3.5. The high-temperature
results are benchmarked by comparing them to...
The talk is aimed at the study of $SU(3)$-gluodynamics bulk and shear viscosities temperature dependence. We measured the correlation functions of the Energy-Momentum Tensor for a set of temperatures in the region T/Tc∈[0.9,1.5] and then applied various parametrical and non-parametrical approaches which give consistent results. Observed temperature dependence agrees with the recent...
In this work we investigate the response of the QGP with the constant electrical conductivity to the electromagnetic
fields in asymmetry collisions such as Cu- Au collisions . We study the response of resistive fluid
with finite electrical conductivity σ to the presence of coupled transverse electric and magnetic fields analytically.
Here, we consider the combination of relativistic...
In ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions enormous magnetic fields are generated because of fast moving charged particles. In the presence of this magnetic field, the spin of particles are aligned either in the parallel or in the antiparallel direction with respect to the direction of the magnetic field. This alignment produces a finite magnetization.
It is kown that finite magnetic...
We analyze the $f_0(500)$ state generated as a pole of $\pi\pi$ scattering within unitarized low-energy effective theories at finite temperature. The relation of that thermal pole with the scalar susceptibility is studied within a scalar saturation approach, which yields results complying with lattice data. The robustness and predictability of this method are studied in terms of the...
We investigate the type of dual superconductivity responsible for quark confinement. For this purpose, we first obtain the static vortex solution of U(N) gauge-scalar models, which reduces to the Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen vortex in the U(1) case, by numerically solving the field equations of the gauge-scalar models in the whole range of space without restricting to the long-distance region....