9–13 Apr 2018
Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Zurich timezone

Superconducting Shield (SuShi) septum - towards a full prototype

11 Apr 2018, 08:30
P5 Veilingzaal (1.20)

P5 Veilingzaal


Board: 3AMS17A


Dr Daniel Barna (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))


A bulk superconducting magnetic shield can create the sharp transition between the high-field and no-field zones of septum magnets. This technique promises to reach significantly higher fields than what is possible with current technology, without compromising compactness. The experimental results with three different shield materials will be presented and compared. Simulation results explaining the observed relaxation phenomena in MgB2 will be shown. A fully fledged prototype - including the shield and a compact, simple and cheap magnet - will be proposed and its conceptual design will be presented.

Primary author

Dr Daniel Barna (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))

Presentation materials