Infrastructure and operation: Civil engineering, geodesy, alignment, transport, logistics (review)
- Christian Prasse (Fraunhofer Institut for Material Flow and Logistics)
Infrastructure and operation: Cryogenics (review)
- Christoph Haberstroh (TU Dresden)
Infrastructure and operation: Cooling and ventilation, electrical distribution, energy management (review)
- Roberto Losito (CERN)
Infrastructure and operation: Operation, reliability, radiation (review)
- Thomas Schรถrner-Sadenius (DESY)
Infrastructure and operation: Safety (review)
- Thomas Otto (CERN)
This presentation covers the development of the design of the civil infrastructure required for the FCC-hh, FCC-ee and FCC-eh machines. This includes the refinement of the design of specific structures, such as the experimental and junction caverns, as well as major design updates, for example, the inclusion of an inclined access tunnel. The feasibility and expected construction techniques of...
"The CERN Survey team is involved at all stages of the construction of a new particle accelerator and its experimental detectors. From very early, when the geodetic aspects are quite important to determine the location of the structure and the preparation of the civil engineering works, up to the final alignment of the components, the Survey team is involved in all activities necessary to...
Logistics is of great importance for the construction, assembly and operation of the FCC. During the planning, construction and assembly of LHC, logistics already proved to be one of ten key factors. For the planning of FCC several logistics aspects were analysed or discussed:
1. Supply strategies for FCC cryo-units;
2. Locations for the storage, assembly and testing facilities;
3. Transport...
A 100 TeV hadron collider in a 100 km long tunnel is selected as the baseline of the overall infrastructure for the present FCC study. The cooling requirements for FCC-hh cryogenic system are challenging with a very large refrigeration capacity (100 kW equivalent at 4.5 K) up to 3 to 4 times larger than the present state-of-the-art and a non-conventional thermal load distribution with very...
The mixed refrigerant turbo Brayton cycle with neon and helium was initially designed to cool the beam screens of the FCC in a temperature range from 40 K to 60 K. The current cryogenic design of this cycle for the FCC-hh can use refrigeration above 25 K for other purposes as well, e.g. for the cool-down of the magnets, thus saving large amounts of LN2 required otherwise, or transient...
Power quality is today a primary concern for the operation of CERNโs particle accelerators, and its importance will even increase for the FCC. Nowadays, transient voltage dips, generally coming from the 400 kV network, frequently cause undesired stops of the accelerators and, consequently, are a major contributor for accelerator downtime. Due to its much larger extent, the FCC will be exposed...
This contribution will present the conclusions from the availability studies for the Future Circular Collider and the estimated performance in terms of luminosity production. A final assessment of availability budgets for individual system will be given, providing guidelines to support system design in the future. Emphasis will be put on the recommendations for further studies and R&D in the...
In the past years, a considerable amount of work has been performed in Radiation-to-Electronics (R2E) field for LHC. The CERNโs R2E-project is currently involved in the study of the critical areas for electronics for FCC. Indeed, FCC will require a significant amount of electronic components in the accelerator tunnel and in the side galleries to control and monitor different systems, e.g....
The studies for the Future Circular Collider have converged to a baseline layout and to technical concepts, as the foundation for the conceptual design report. Radiation Protection studies have accompanied the definitions of the civil engineering layout and engineering choices in the different parts of the FCC study. We will present the results of the studies performed for the radiation...
In the process of defining project alternatives for the cross section of the tunnel, safety aspects are an important factor. However, because of the unique nature of this infrastructure, the prescriptive requirements specified in the applicable legislative references often appear inappropriate. For some specific risks, identified in a hazard register, a set of standard best practices are not...
The fire safety assessment for the FCC tunnel has been carried by means of Performance Based Design (PBD) analysis. Following this methodology, the FCC baseline design was challenged with different accidental fire scenarios representing credible fires in the underground tunnel structure to quantify the effectiveness of the foreseen fire protection measures. The safety goals for Life,...
Evacuation is one of the biggest challenges for the fire safety design for the Future Circular Collider (FCC). The configuration of the accelerator, where the distance to the nearest exit to the surface might be up to several kilometers, requires an evacuation design that ensures the occupants move away from the location of the fire, even if they do not know where it is located. An evacuation...