Session2: Session2
- Fabrizio Palla (INFN Sezione di Pisa, Universita' e Scuola Normale Superiore, P)
With the high luminosity upgrade of LHC, incorporating tracking information into the CMS Level-1 trigger becomes necessary in order to maintain a manageable trigger rate. The main challenges Level-1 track finding faces are the large data throughput from the detector at the collision rate of 40 MHz and 4 μs time budget to reconstruct charged particle tracks with sufficiently low transverse...
Many of the physics goals of ATLAS in the High Luminosity LHC era,
including precision studies of the Higgs boson, require an unprescaled
single muon trigger with a 20 GeV threshold. The selectivity of the
current ATLAS first-level muon trigger is limited by the moderate
spatial resolution of the muon trigger chambers. By incorporating the
precise tracking of the MDT, the muon transverse...