4–12 Jul 2018
Europe/Athens timezone
Group photo: indico.cern.ch/event/663474/images/19808-ICNFP_2018_Group_Photo.JPG

Unexpected properties of the discrete BFKL solution

7 Jul 2018, 15:30
Room 1

Room 1

Oral presentation Lev's Lipatov memorial session


Dr Henri Kowalski (DESY)


I will discuss the properties of the discrete BFKL solution and show that HERA data indicate that a state usually considered as a ground state has to decouple. As a consequence, the real ground state should be close to the non-perturbative region i.e., in the saturation region. This finding, together with the known property of BFKL that it should be sensitive to symmetries beyond Standard Model, may lead to interesting future experiments.

Primary author

Dr Henri Kowalski (DESY)

Presentation materials