2–7 Jan 2018
Skeikampen, Norway
Europe/Oslo timezone

Study of the SM Higgs boson decaying to WW with ATLAS

3 Jan 2018, 17:30
Skeikampen, Norway

Skeikampen, Norway

Hotellvegen 3, 2652 Svingvoll, Norway
Contributed talk Particle physics - experiment Wednesday PM


Edvin Sidebo (KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE))


After the discovery of the Standard Model Higgs boson in 2012, we have entered the era of precision measurements of this particle. The decay to two W bosons constitutes the second largest branching ratio for the decay of the Higgs. An overview of the analysis strategy in the Higgs boson cross section measurement in the H->WW(*)->evμv decay channel performed by the ATLAS experiment will be presented. The measurement is made using proton-proton collision data at sqrt(s)=13 TeV collected during 2015 and 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36/fb. As the analysis is currently being finalised, focus will be on the analysis method and selections.


Edvin Sidebo (KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE))

Presentation materials