Latest results on the analysis of the radio frequency spectrum emitted by high energy air showers with LOFAR

14 Jun 2018, 12:50


Jörg Hörandel (Ru Nijmegen/Nikhef)



The LOw Frequency ARay (LOFAR) is a multipurpose radio antenna array aimed to detect radio signals in the frequency range 10-240 MHz, covering a large surface in Northern Europe with a higher density in the Netherlands. Analytical calculations and simulation studies performed in the 2000s indicates a dependence of the radio frequency spectrum on cosmic-ray air shower characteristics. The high number density of radio antennas at the LOFAR core in Northern Netherlands allows to measure the frequency spectrum in the energy range 10^16 – 10^18 eV, and to characterise the geometry of the observed cascade in a detailed way.
The radio signal emitted by high energy cosmic rays in the atmosphere has been studied accurately in the 30 – 80 MHz frequency range, and is here presented. The study has been conducted on simulated events and on real data detected by LOFAR since 2011.
The final aim of this study is to find an independent method to infer information of primary cosmic rays for improving the reconstruction of primary particle parameters.


Laura Rossetto (Radboud University Nijmegen) LOFAR Cosmic Rays Jörg Hörandel (Ru Nijmegen/Nikhef)

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