Radioactive waste, neutrino
- Tadashi Yoshida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
The disposal of high-level radioactive waste from nuclear power plants is one of the major issues in worldwide. As a promising solution, research and development has been devoted to the partitioning and transmutation technology where long-lived nuclides are converted to stable or short-lived ones. In particular, the transmutation on the long-lived fission products (LLFPs) has received much...
The environmental load reduction of nuclear energy is required in Japan, from the view point of public acceptance due to the increasing of safety demand to the nuclear energy utilization. This environmental load consists of the mass and radiotoxicity of radioactive wastes. The long-term radiotoxicity of the radioactive wastes is dominated by trans-uranium (TRU) nuclides. Additionally, most of...
We present a detailed study of charged-current quasielastic (anti)neutrino scattering cross sections on a $^{12}$C target obtained using a spectral function $S(p,{\cal E})$ that gives a scaling function in accordance with the electron scattering data. The spectral function accounts for the nucleon-nucleon (NN) correlations, it has a realistic energy dependence and natural orbitals (NO's)...
The neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay, if observed, has important impli-
cations on particle physics, cosmology and fundamental physics. In particular it
can give access to the effective neutrino mass. In order to extract such informa-
tion from the 0νββ-decay half-life measurement, the knowledge of the Nuclear
Matrix Elements (NME) is of utmost importance. In this context the NUMEN