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PDFs and Low x at LHeC / FCC-he

Wednesday 15 November 2017 - 16:00
CERN (Vidyo)

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15 Nov 2017
PDFs and Low x at LHeC [DRAFT SCHEDULE] (until 17:45) (Vidyo)
16:00 Overview - TBD   (Vidyo)
16:10 Diffractive PDFs - Wojtek Slominski   (Vidyo)
16:25 PDFs with Resummation at the LHeC - Juan Rojo (VU Amsterdam and Nikhef)   (Vidyo)
16:40 sin2thetaW at HL-LHC with LHeC PDFs - Stefano Camarda (CERN) Ludovica Aperio Bella (CERN)   (Vidyo)
16:50 Discussion on EW, alpha-s, ... - Stefano, Ludovica, Daniel, ... and all   (Vidyo)
17:00 Improved PDFs for the Nucleon and Deuteron - TIMOTHY J HOBBS (Southern Methodist University) Pavel Nadolsky (Southern Methodist University)   (Vidyo)
17:10 Discussion - All ....   (Vidyo)