May 20 – 24, 2018
Other Institutes
America/Puerto_Rico timezone


Vacuum arcs are a concern in nearly every vacuum electronic device, consequently they are present in a very wide range of applications. Sometimes they form the basis for device operation, but all too often they are the primary failure mode.

Understanding the physical processes of a vacuum arc requires expertise from many disciplines – material science, surface physics, and plasma physics. Applications include high-voltage electronics, RF accelerators, and vacuum interrupters. The purpose of this workshop series is to bring together scientists and engineers from many different disciplines and application areas to discuss the latest efforts in understanding vacuum arcs. We cover theory, simulation and experiments.

The workshop will run from May 20 to May 24 2018 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. An opening reception will occur on the evening of Sunday, May 20, followed by oral sessions Monday through Thursday and a poster session. Additionally, there will be a banquet on Wednesday night at Oceano:

Participants requiring a letter of invitation for visa purposes should contact the organizers. Visiting Puerto Rico is the same as visiting the USA.

What to Expect in Puerto Rico

We want to assure participants that the workshop location is both convenient and safe! May is not hurricane season and while there are certainly continuing challenges across the full island from hurricane Maria, we are in Old San Juan, the first area to return to full operation. Unfortunately, news programs tend to focus on the negative. Our hotel suffered no damage. The immediate area is heavily tied to tourism, including the cruise ship port nearby. There will be restaurants and bars to walk to in a great historical venue and an overall wonderful environment! In addition to having a great time at the workshop, our participation (and our financial footprint) will help the local community, and Puerto Rico as a whole, recover!

Links referenced above: and

Prior Workshops:

Presentations from prior workshops can be found at:



The organizers wish to acknowledge the following institutions for providing funding for the workshop:

  • Sandia National Laboratories
Other Institutes
Sheraton Old San Juan, Puerto Rico (Hosted by: Sandia National Laboratories)